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Monday, May 9, 2011

World Map Asia Center

World Map Asia Center. asia World+map+asia+europe
  • asia World+map+asia+europe

  • splintah
    Sep 10, 08:33 AM
    quad core macbook pro anyone ?

    World Map Asia Center. China World Trade Center
  • China World Trade Center

  • gugy
    Sep 14, 11:06 AM
    Here we go again,
    High expectations for another event.
    Just take the event this week as a lesson.
    Showtime, we got:
    Movie Store
    Update ipods

    All related to Itunes and audio video experience. That's why was called "Showtime"

    Now we have a new event coming up at a Photokina, photographers event.
    What should we expect?
    Aperture update and maybe something else relate to Photographers needs.
    That's all folks!

    Stop dreaming about Iphone, Mac Book Pro etc. it won't happen.
    MPB's will be update on a Tuesday just like the Imac was couple weeks back. No special event for that.

    Iphone if happens will be either have their own event or at MWSF.

    Then later people get upset with Apple and don't understand why. Reality check guys.

    World Map Asia Center. world map asia center,
  • world map asia center,

  • Multimedia
    Sep 10, 06:12 PM
    My Xeon utilization is only 50% per proc while compressing in Quicktime Pro. Even during an HD export (http://www.macpro.ws/P3.jpg) the fans don't get use.I am compressing EyeTV Broadcast HD recordings with Toast then Handbrake. On the G5 Quad they each use more than two cores occasionally and almost two cores all the time - well over 80% each all the time.

    I can crush two files simultaneously to gain even more performance - like 150% faster that way.

    World Map Asia Center. Center the world map on:
  • Center the world map on:

  • Manic Mouse
    Jul 18, 04:16 AM
    I think this is all the more reason why they'll go with an Allendale, it's not as high of a performace chip but it does exceed the performace of the Meroms. It's a desktop chip, designed for lower end desktops, not a mobile chip without as much power.

    Why wouldn't they just use Conroe? It's not like the chips are expensive, they have the same thermal output and a bigger L2 cache. I'm expecting a 2.4Ghz 17' and a 2.66Ghz 20'. Which would work out cheaper than using 2.16Ghz and 2.33Ghz Meroms.

    World Map Asia Center. Ekaterinburg on the World Map.
  • Ekaterinburg on the World Map.

  • wildmac
    Sep 10, 12:02 PM
    If you need it get it now. If you can wait 6 months then wait. What is out is better than what you have, just be ready than in 6 months there will be something better. This is always the case even if you stay in the Win Camp.

    Yep, if you want an iMac, then buy it NOW. The laptops will soon see upgrades, but the rest of the product line is up-to-date.

    And... unless you are doing hard-core gaming or intensive graphics or scientific work, a CPU upgrade is not likely to be noticed in your real-world computing.

    World Map Asia Center. center team Used world
  • center team Used world

  • MacintoshMan
    Apr 25, 02:55 PM
    Nice! I can't wait, i've survived without having to buy the unibody design which I loath so much. The edges are too sharp, the keyboard was better on the old one, in efforts to keep it cool the laptop had to be underclocked. Also, for me as a traveler I often do allot of work on the road and I don't mind carrying extra battery, but with this design its impossible for me to swap out.

    Not to mention the unipad trackpad just isnt for me, in programs like photoshop you end up doing things on accident. But that's prolly going to stay so im going to be out of luck

    World Map Asia Center. world map asia centered.
  • world map asia centered.

  • DelisleBA.info
    Apr 25, 01:17 PM
    IDK about you all but I would love to see round edges and a bigger keyboard on the 15 and 17 inch models. When I say bigger I mean including the home, end, backspace, crtl key on right and page up and down keys instead of the dust trap speaker grills they have now.

    World Map Asia Center. n World+map+japan+center
  • n World+map+japan+center

  • cmaier
    Nov 17, 06:53 PM
    Because the iPhone doesn't have a copyright.

    it has a trademark. also see my previous post, and the linked tweet - apple frequently rejects apps for containing representations of iPhones (including hand drawn images that are not copyright by Apple). That's the point.

    World Map Asia Center. center, world map
  • center, world map

  • diamond.g
    Apr 15, 03:49 PM
    Of course, what did you expect from an interface designed for keyboards, joysticks, and mice?

    Even USB 2.0 has a pathetic 50% effective utilization rate, while Firewire is ~95%. USB 2.0 is 480 Mb/s, which equals 60 MB/s, yet in real world speeds, you're lucky if you see 30 MB/s - HALF it's rated bandwidth. USB is just plain horrible for bulk data transfer, and the new 3.0 iteration is no different. The protocol overhead is atrocious.

    Of course USB also operates in slow horrible PIO mode, meaning it has to run everything through the host CPU. PATA, SATA, SCSI, Firewire, and Thunderbolt all operate in DMA mode, bypassing the host CPU for much much faster transfers.

    PATA has PIO modes too... You just have to work (or use a poopy old HD) to get it to turn on.

    World Map Asia Center. World+map+asia+center
  • World+map+asia+center

  • pink-pony115
    Sep 4, 08:01 PM
    Holiday season fast approaching...there's no way they will enter shopping season without a new iPod lineup. Period.

    If they do, I'm dumping my stock.:p

    And Appleinsider is sandbagging - hedging their bets that at least a portion of what they are reporting is true.

    Well said iGary. I bought apple stock right before the iPod got hot. My friends are kicking themselves because they didn't buy apple. :rolleyes:

    World Map Asia Center. fallen maps,world map asia
  • fallen maps,world map asia

  • nospleen
    Sep 10, 08:29 AM
    My point as just that if intel doubles the number of cores every 6th month, I believe that lifespan of a Mac is going to be substantially shorter. I doubt that the people who just bought a new MacPro realized that their computer would be as fast as an "entry level" computer within a year. Old Macs, like my own MDD, will be deemed to live in a time-bubble with now means of interacting with newer computers.
    Things have certainly changed after the PPC ->x86 transition.

    I am not quite following you. It is not as if your mac will slow down because the new one has more cores? Or, are you saying the requirements to run the software will increase at a faster rate because the hardware is improving so rapidly, thus dating your mac prematurely?

    World Map Asia Center. World+map+asia+centered
  • World+map+asia+centered

  • dime21
    Mar 23, 06:14 PM
    The true irony here is your blatant assumption that is based on nothing more than a "gut feeling".
    ok... so will you answer my question then please?

    World Map Asia Center. world map asia center,
  • world map asia center,

  • Eidorian
    Jul 14, 12:26 PM
    What? You said the word Merom but didn't include a link to the guide? :p

    Well anyways, if Apple could get Conroes into iMacs it would be great. A challenge I know (and I still personally think it is more likely to be a Merom iMac) but it would help to be that little bit more competitive. The rest is pretty much predictable, Merom for MBPs and eventually MacBooks and Mac Minis. Woodcrest for Mac Pro and MacServe (Macs in everything right ;) ). iMac's future is a big ?.Yeah, if they can fit a Conroe into the iMac, more power to Apple. I just hope it doesn't turn it into the blast furnace my iMac G5 was.

    From what I can tell Merom is just a Conroe that can operate at a lower TDP. They're all just fabricated off the same piece of silicon. (Someone posted an image on this.)

    World Map Asia Center. An uncommon map of the ancient
  • An uncommon map of the ancient

  • wnurse
    Sep 18, 01:47 PM
    Who in their right mind would want a microsoft phone :eek: :eek:

    90% or so of the rest of the world that uses windows. Why do you ask?

    World Map Asia Center. 20100318-worldmap.jpg
  • 20100318-worldmap.jpg

  • GGJstudios
    Apr 12, 07:28 PM
    Can anybody running Leopard confirm what users/groups have write privileges to Safari, Mail, & etc.

    Just want to clarify if the permissions on that Leopard system have been modified?
    281058 281059 281060
    Snow Leopard:

    World Map Asia Center. World+map+asia+japan
  • World+map+asia+japan

  • blackburn
    Apr 19, 07:32 AM
    Should be studying in law school instead of engineering. No innovative products but loads of cash to be made:D Lawsuits everywhere.

    World Map Asia Center. World+map+asia+center
  • World+map+asia+center

  • L-Fire
    Apr 19, 11:25 AM
    I had an iPhone 3G and even though I loved it, I decided to give Android a try. The Samsung Fascinate looked more like an iPhone than any other Android phone so I bought it.

    World Map Asia Center. has Asia in the centre,
  • has Asia in the centre,

  • cfanyc
    Sep 26, 08:43 AM
    if the iphone gets wifi, FAT chance of verizon carrying it, the last thing they want is to lose on their $40 month data plan.

    once this comes out it should be a good time to re-evalutate my need for my treo 650 and verizon...

    World Map Asia Center. World+map+asia+centric
  • World+map+asia+centric

  • X5-452
    Aug 28, 12:29 PM
    So, uh.... PowerBook G5's tomorrow?

    Aug 23, 11:56 PM
    A little-known company, and that was to create it's product. If apple buys one of their largest competitors, that will raise a few eyebrows.
    Philips Electronics of Holland was one of the companies that turned down the offer to develop the predecessor of the iPod from its creator.

    Apr 22, 01:50 PM
    Backlit keyboard is a must... That alone would keep me away from teh MBA

    How about lower the price $400 too.

    Apr 22, 03:04 PM
    $899 for the 13? A $400 price drop is a bit of stretch, don't you think? :D

    For rotary hd, base version - may be $200 more for the 13.3 with SSD.

    Apr 4, 12:32 PM
    As others have mentioned, the security guard (again, most likely an off-duty cop or a cop who has retired early) would not have been deliberately attempting for a headshot, unless the head was the only thing sticking up from cover.

    I shoot IDPA. It's not real life shooting, but a lot of the rules are designed to simulate real life as close as any competition could do. In the heat of an adrenaline rush, it is very easy to aim the gun for the chest and hit the head. For most people, that's a less than 5% change in gun angle, which for most pistols is less than 1/2" up. That is, he was aiming for the chest, and let the tip of his barrel rise less than 1/2" higher than it should go. Maybe Horatio Caine can stand with bullets flying and kill 5 people with 5 shots, but that's not real life.

    I don't know the facts, but here's a reasonable supposition:
    * Mall guard sees multiple people with weapons in hand. In most states, the guard is now in a position where he can use deadly force to repel an attack. If the guard sees guns (again in some states), he is allowed to draw first, because they are the initiators of the lethal threat.
    * Criminals decide that they don't want a witness, don't want to be detained, etc. One or more draw their weapons. The guard is now in honest fear of his life, and may respond as needed to end their threat.
    * The guard shoots at them, until they retreat.

    Sep 5, 01:10 PM
    All I know is, I will be buying whatever it is they have for sale.

    I want one of each:D

    I said that last time and balked at the Leather iPod case and BOOMbox. :rolleyes:

    This has to be better. Right? Right?