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Monday, May 9, 2011

Assume Fox Viewing Positions

Assume Fox Viewing Positions. It has a very good viewing
  • It has a very good viewing

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Sep 5, 01:21 PM
    An iTunes Movie service has been a definite since the big data centre was built a few months ago imo.
    It was bought...

    Assume Fox Viewing Positions. viewing position from
  • viewing position from

  • CorvusCamenarum
    Oct 27, 08:49 AM
    How about this one (http://www.engadget.com/2005/09/12/russian-wooden-pc-bigger-than-a-breadbox/)
    Or this one (http://www.engadget.com/2006/10/03/suissa-computers-offers-up-custom-wooden-pcs/)

    I have no problem with Greenpeace being at the show as long as they back up their findings with facts and conduct themselves in a civil manner. If Microsoft stepped out of line at the show, I would expect them to be kicked out of the show as well.

    I love that first one; it's even got the Apple minimalist motif about it.

    Didn't the first Apple I's come in a wood case as well?

    Assume Fox Viewing Positions. wolf-viewing position near
  • wolf-viewing position near

  • Al Coholic
    Mar 30, 01:22 PM
    I don't claim to know a thing about trademark law, but looking at this simply I find it difficult to understand how the term "Windows" can become a trademark but "App Store" cannot.

    I have nothing to back this up but I'm thinking one never sees the word "Windows" without Microsoft accompanying it somewhere. It's more of a phrase which can indeed be trademarked.

    Could be wrong of course.

    Also of note is an attempt to own the word "Thunderbolt". I don't think one can copyright the weather.

    Assume Fox Viewing Positions. Fox seating distances are
  • Fox seating distances are

  • KingCrimson
    Apr 22, 04:25 PM
    I really hope this happens but I have a feeling that it will be hobbled in some way. If it runs from an iTunes master copy of songs then it might preclude people uploading music that has been ripped from CDs or bought somewhere else (like Amazon).

    This. Or songs ripped from Youtube videos. Sorry Apple just lost my business IF it's going to be based on the iTunes-verified master copy.

    Assume Fox Viewing Positions. Title: Assume the Position
  • Title: Assume the Position

  • gekko513
    Aug 23, 06:51 PM
    It's not...the press release says that Apple can recoup some of the money if Creative is able to license the patent to other companies.
    I found that very part of the settlement very puzzling. If anything, you'd think Apple should be able to recoup som of the money if Creative isn't able to license the patent to other companies that infringe on the same patent, as it would show that Creative doesn't have a legal leg to stand on.

    Assume Fox Viewing Positions. Optimal Viewing Position and
  • Optimal Viewing Position and

  • reflex
    Sep 14, 08:21 AM
    My take on this: Apple releases new MBP's next week and Aperture 2 at the special event. Kind of like they did with the iMac vs the movie downloads.

    Btw, the 24th is a Sunday ... has Apple ever released anything on a Sunday? Or held an event?

    Assume Fox Viewing Positions. Optimal Viewing Position and
  • Optimal Viewing Position and

  • freebooter
    Oct 27, 11:34 AM

    coporate types acting like the aritocracy

    let information flow

    let freedom reign

    Assume Fox Viewing Positions. Long dead Dog Fox amp; recently
  • Long dead Dog Fox amp; recently

  • Mundy
    Sep 10, 04:54 PM
    Whats wrong with having two dual core processors on one chip? I can understand that the FSB might become a bottleneck but thats not only a issue related to the number of cores/processors is it?

    The problem is that a double-dual-core solution (like Intel's Kentsfield and Clovertown) still requires that two cores communicate with the other two cores over the FSB. A single, shared FSB is one of the reasons that Intel's first generation of dual-core CPUs could not compete with AMD's 64-bit X2 line.

    Intel has its reasons for the way it's doing its first generation of quad-core CPUs, but performance is not one of them. Right now, the primary concern is silicon yields, and the double-dual-core method allows Intel to throw away a bad core without tossing the entire quad-core silicon wafer. A true quad-core CPU would not allow this�i.e. Intel couldn't "cut out" the bad silicon�and therefore the potential for monetary loss is greater.

    The truth is that Kentsfield and Clovertown are trial runs. They are stopgap measures in the same way that Yonah was a stopgap on the way to Merom. Once Intel goes to true quad-core CPUs and a 45 nm process, it might be time to worry about the Mac Pro being obsolete. Until then, anything Intel releases will be incremental.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Assume Fox Viewing Positions. Fox and Roe Deer at Thormley
  • Fox and Roe Deer at Thormley

  • cere
    Apr 14, 01:17 PM
    LOL, yet here you are claiming Thunderbolt is DOA. Hilarious.
    Again, for those with reading difficulties, I made no such claim. I did agree with a post that implied it might be relegated to being considered Mac only. I'll still agree that might be what happens. I hope not, but I hoped FW would be successful too.

    I am pretty sure a google search will find some adult-ed courses that might be helpful for you.

    Assume Fox Viewing Positions. we assume, in voiceover).
  • we assume, in voiceover).

  • mdntcallr
    Sep 26, 12:20 PM
    well, im a cingular customer. so no problem there. but im hoping that Apple has a model with is a smartphone/pda ie to replace my Treo 650.

    unless they have a smart model with a large hard drive, say 60 or 80 gb, with that, i don't think ill buy one right away.

    Assume Fox Viewing Positions. Re: viewing #39;hot girls#39; as
  • Re: viewing #39;hot girls#39; as

  • aaronb
    Aug 31, 03:50 PM
    What I'm confused about is how the movie downloads will be decent quality and not take FOREVER to download. If the quality is great, the download time is going to be ridiculous. If the quality is bad, no one would even consider buying it.

    I would rather buy a 15 dollar DVD, rip it into my iPod and still have a DVD that looks good on my TV. That's just IMO.

    Assume Fox Viewing Positions. I have tried the thx position
  • I have tried the thx position

  • macintel4me
    Sep 4, 07:05 PM
    I'm confused. Movie downloads for $10?!? What happened to the whole "Jobs is hammered by the movie industry into movie rentals only" ?!? This CANNOT possibly mean renting a movie for $10!! :eek:

    My bet is that it's low-res/iPod quality video for purchase. Apple/Steve Jobs have yet to get into the home theater business. So far it's been the mobile entertainment business only. Movie rentals (or purchase for that matter) at home theater quality is a whole other enchilada.

    Watching 320x240 movie on my 42" plasma would sort of suck and not be competitive as others have metioned. Would I buy a $10 movie to watch on my iPod? mmm....probably a few to keep me entertained on the treadmill and my son entertained on roadtrips.

    Assume Fox Viewing Positions. Fox 26 News Welcome to
  • Fox 26 News Welcome to

  • LightSpeed1
    May 3, 06:41 PM
    Dual ports should have been on the notebooks as well.
    I agree with this completely.

    Assume Fox Viewing Positions. Fox Company was in danger
  • Fox Company was in danger

  • dernhelm
    Sep 8, 02:01 PM
    I think Core Duo aren't 64-bit processors or whatever. That might be where the confusion came in.

    Right. You won't get the full 64 bit native benfits of Leopard without either a G5 or a Core 2 Duo processor.

    It'll still run on a G4 just fine.

    Assume Fox Viewing Positions. Charles James Fox, leader of
  • Charles James Fox, leader of

  • mex4eric
    Apr 22, 05:09 PM
    If Apple has this expectation, they had better at least sell an appropriate adapter/hub. I've long thought a thin, form-matching hub that connects to all of the ports on one side of an Apple portable would be a great idea. If Apple can make a 2- or even 3-port USB hub off of the Thunderbolt port (especially if a Mini Display-Port is also available) for ~$50, that would be golden for this type of MBA plan.

    Hey, they could build a little hub with a cord that plugs into the TB port and provide a few USB 1,2,3 ports, maybe a firewire port, plus a glowing Apple logo on top and call it an iHub.

    Assume Fox Viewing Positions. Fox News School Closings
  • Fox News School Closings

  • cube
    Apr 24, 07:00 AM
    AMD E-350's CPU is noticeably worse than the C2Ds in MBAs. It is better than Atom but can't fight against Intel's premium CPUs, especially if we take Sandy Bridge into consideration. The IGP is wonderful though.

    Llano will hopefully change this since Zacate is meant for netbook and other cheap laptops. Llano will hopefully bring low-voltage chips meant for ultraportables like MBA. So far there are no news though.


    But one must not overhype Llano because it still uses a Stars+ core. Bulldozer Fusion is not coming until next year.

    So, we'll see.

    Assume Fox Viewing Positions. Two viewing parties will be
  • Two viewing parties will be

  • roadbloc
    Mar 29, 01:05 PM
    It does have CUT and Paste.

    Command-X = Cut
    Command-P = Paste
    Command-C = Copy
    Command-X is CUT !!!!!!

    Now read through the rest of the posts after that and discover that Finder does not support Cut and Paste.

    Assume Fox Viewing Positions. DO NOT assume that the blade
  • DO NOT assume that the blade

  • CalBoy
    Mar 29, 01:01 PM
    I think they need to learn how to do math. How can you have an 18.8% cumulative annual growth rate when your market share goes down from 15.7% to 15.3%?

    iOS will not grow as fast as the rest of the market, so as a portion of the whole, it will shrink slightly.

    The only trouble I have with this prediction is that it assumes Nokia will be able to maintain its lead with handset marketshare as phones continue to evolve.

    Nokia hasn't done well with smartphones, and neither has Windows Mobile (at least compared to Android, Blackberry, and iOS). IDC is predicting that current Nokia owners will move to Nokia smartphones as time goes on. However, I don't think this is a realistic assumption.

    Android and iOS are already seen as the avant-garde of smartphones, and if customers can afford to update their handsets, they're going to want the best, not the mediocre. IDC's predictions would make sense if the transition were to happen instantaneously, but that's not how the world works. People in China, India, and Brazil who find themselves able to afford smartphones in increasing numbers are going to want what is widely perceived as the best or most superior device. For most people, that's either Android or iOS, or possibly Blackberry as a distant third.

    There's also HP's acquisition of Palm to consider. If HP launches a new line of phones and does something to provide a robust series of apps, it would be yet another option that could fork Nokia's current marketshare. If tablets become even more significant to mobile os development, then there is another advantage to iOS and Android (and to a lesser extent RIM).

    I think what's more probable is that Windows Mobile will capture a certain share of current Nokia users, but not all of them. Nokia's strength historically was to produce cheap, reliable, simple phones for billions of people. That's not how the smartphone market is playing out, and both Nokia and Microsoft have never been very good in markets where lowest common denominator didn't win.

    Assume Fox Viewing Positions. Time spent viewing (click to
  • Time spent viewing (click to

  • Huntn
    Apr 25, 09:49 AM
    IMO, progressive does not equal big government. In fact, progressives and conservatives probably want the same overall size, but weighted in different directions. Social vs Defense.

    Then you can look to the future when computers/machines have taken over a vast amount of the tasks that humans used to do to earn a living. What kind of system will work then? My guess it that it will be closure to socialism the capitalism. ;)

    Mar 29, 11:33 AM
    Lol...Who wants to bet whether their 2010 forecast, at the end of 2006 had the words iOS, or Android in it.

    Right, I am totally going to believe this.

    May 1, 03:11 AM
    Crap... I just ordered a 27" iMac from store.apple.com Friday morning. It hasn't shipped yet as i did some custom changes. I am going to call in the morning to see if I can hopefully cancel the order. I also purchased a 27" Cinema Display but that has already shipped. And doesn't look like it is in this upgrade round.

    Mar 23, 07:57 PM
    Hopefully prices won't go up any. But I shouldn't count on it.

    Apr 19, 10:40 PM
    You know what's sleazy? Working with a partner while secretly copying that partner's work to create a competing product.

    Microsoft did this to Apple with Windows. Google did this to Apple with Android. And Samsung did this with their phone/tablet designs and their UI overlay.

    The Beatles did this to Apple, oh wait, they had Apple Records and the Apple logo for over 5 years before Apple Computer existed. But I'm sure that is overlooked.

    Doctor Q
    Sep 15, 06:43 PM
    Just to further clarify -- NIH syndrome is when a company chooses not to use technologies invented by other companies in its own products. They prefer to design and build the entire package themselves, in-house.

    I'm not that interested in an iPhone. Apple would need to add some very unique features for me to consider buying one.What if it supported NuBus cards?

    OK, that was a (bad) joke, since I think NuBus was one of those Apple-only inventions from the past.

    But why would you NOT want Apple's phone, szark? Is is that you don't want a camera phone or music phone in the first place, or that you expect it to be priced too high? Without knowing more about it, how do we know it's not going to be at least as good as the phones we have now? Plus an Apple logo.