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Monday, May 9, 2011

Definisi Kasih Ibu

Definisi Kasih Ibu. geram, #39;tensen#39;, kasih,
  • geram, #39;tensen#39;, kasih,

  • princealfie
    Oct 27, 12:26 PM
    Bravo... get rid of those guys... good environmentalists don't commit aggression on others.

    Definisi Kasih Ibu. melebihi definisi kasih
  • melebihi definisi kasih

  • IntelliUser
    Jan 13, 09:52 AM
    Not if you have UAC set correctly, although unfortunately it was weakened by default in 7, because of whining.

    Even at that level it's a real PITA. Seriously, not only it pops up way too often, but it slows down installations. Some older computers and netbooks just freeze for several minutes after trying to open large installers, while UAC is analyzing or something.

    Definisi Kasih Ibu. Opppsss.maksud aku telur yg
  • Opppsss.maksud aku telur yg

  • DaveK
    Sep 13, 09:38 PM
    There are a lot of sound business reasons for Apple to release an iPhone. But the biggest reason is that Steve must have a cell phone and you know he probably hates the industrial design and functionality.

    I think that they were supposed to announce this in one of the "one more things" on the 12th and something happened at the last minute. Two items lead me to this conclusion.

    1. They never used a satellite link of the keynote to London(think Vodafone), which they mentioned before the keynote. Maybe it was just so London could watch. But then why not the folks at the Apple Expo in Paris.

    2. Is it just me, or did the "pre-announcement" of a product that has an "internal" name of iTV, which may or may not be the products real name, strike anyone else as very un-Apple like.

    Definisi Kasih Ibu. Definisi ?
  • Definisi ?

  • aswitcher
    Sep 15, 07:06 PM
    Widgets would be a phone killer... Some of the widgets out there consume a lot of memory.

    I figure they could sort that out. Widgets only activate when button pushed etc.

    Definisi Kasih Ibu. Maksud Sajak Kasih Ibu « ~SENI ITU INDAH#39;S BLOG~
  • Maksud Sajak Kasih Ibu « ~SENI ITU INDAH#39;S BLOG~

  • masterthespian
    Sep 14, 11:41 AM
    Haha, now you're going to have me thinking about this while I am in mass next Sunday. :p

    couldn't help myself.....:D :D :D ...first thing that ran thru my mind when everyone said it's on a sunday....;) ;)


    Definisi Kasih Ibu. Kasih sayang dan Pengabdian
  • Kasih sayang dan Pengabdian

  • SwiftLives
    Aug 31, 10:05 PM
    I don't think we're getting the movie store or movie iPod just yet.

    The sites that claim to have gotten an invite are French. (Not sure about Your Mac Life, though). Also, this event is being broadcat in London and Paris. This makes me think this announcement will be for downloadable European TV shows and not the iTunes Movie Store.

    But - in the spirit of contradicting myself and being hopelessly optimistic, go check out the iPod refurb store. $100 off the 5G iPods instead of $50. That makes me think they're clearing inventory.


    Also - In terms of branding - Quicktime Move Store perhaps?


    I'm also guessing that we'll see speed bumps to the iMac and MacBook Pro (since they're the oldest) this Tuesday. The rest we may see during Apple Expo Paris.

    Keep in mind that Steve doesn't do a keynote for speed bumps. Just tech advances.

    Definisi Kasih Ibu. kasih tercipta drama watch
  • kasih tercipta drama watch

  • mi5moav
    Aug 31, 11:01 PM

    403 error forbidden!!!! WEHOOOOO the pot of gold

    Definisi Kasih Ibu. lagu kasih ibu | terima
  • lagu kasih ibu | terima

  • bpaluzzi
    Apr 11, 06:10 AM
    Care to actually show me what app that will actually do what I was talking about? :rolleyes:
    I want to play music from iTunes on my Mac as the source, and multiple airplay devices as the target. Currently I can only play to Airport Expresses and Apple TVs (and upcoming Airplay certified speakers). I want Apple to include all iOS devices to that list of target devices.

    They already do. Use homesharing and you're all set. Or use Air Foil and get it to work exactly as you describe. Not big on research, eh? ;-)

    Definisi Kasih Ibu. lagu kasih ibu | terima
  • lagu kasih ibu | terima

  • FriarNurgle
    Apr 28, 03:22 PM
    Sounds like we need the return of the I Am Rich app.

    Definisi Kasih Ibu. Salah satu definisi yang
  • Salah satu definisi yang

  • toughboy
    Aug 31, 11:45 AM
    I don't care what it is, just give us something new to talk about. Mac Pro really nice machine but we saw it coming months in advance. Maybe not he exact spec but yeah we all knew it was coming. Same with Merom, Conroe etc... Give us something new, really new. All we have had for what seems like an age is Intel switch this Intel switch that. I don't care what processor they use as long as they are faster than they were before and it's still a Mac. I want nay, need a new product - something so I know that Apple are still innovating. Switching to Intel, no innovation there just good sense.

    Stop reading forums and rumor sites, and everything will be news to you..

    Definisi Kasih Ibu. Definisi
  • Definisi

  • Spagolli94
    Sep 12, 03:46 PM
    i'm sorry but the 30G iPod has a stupid price. If someone is that tight and has to get an iPod, they would probably buy used.

    I will by the 30GB and am anything but tight. Why? Because I only have 15GB of music and have been adding music at a rate of about 1GB per year. I have no need to watch movies or look at photos on my iPod. If I'm traveling, I have a PowerBook on the plane with me. My iPod is used in the car and the gym, that's it.

    That said, both the 30GB and 80GB have more than enough storage. So, I will make my decision based on physical dimensions - at the gym a smaller iPod is a big plus. The fact that the 30GB is cheaper is just icing on the cake. For my needs, I would have bought the 30GB, even it were the same price... even it the 30GB were more.

    I agree with you though. If you currently have or anticipate needing over 30GB of space, the 80GB is a MUCH better value when it comes to GB per dollar.

    Definisi Kasih Ibu. Definisi
  • Definisi

  • mrzeigler
    Mar 22, 07:19 PM
    Good, my iMac G4 began to act its age � but really only with PS3 � a couple of months ago. I plan to again max out the processor, memory and harddrive upgrades and get another 7.5 years out of this next one.

    Definisi Kasih Ibu. Definisi “Cinta”.. cinta
  • Definisi “Cinta”.. cinta

  • AidenShaw
    Sep 9, 11:14 AM
    Napa is the hardware-platform, composed of Yonah, Intel Mobile 945-chipset and Intel Pro Wireless. AKA third generation Centrino. And since the CPU used in that platform is 32bits, the platfom can be called a 32bit platfom. Note: this has nothing to do with the bitness of the logic-board. Napa64 (or rather: Santa Rosa) is Fourth generation Centrino that uses Merom and new chipset.


    "Santa Rosa is currently developed by Intel as successor of the current "Napa" platform. Napa will receive a 64-bit refresh in September of this year ("Napa64") to support the launch of the Merom processor. Napa64 will be replaced by Santa Rosa in the first or second quarter of 2007.

    Compared to Napa and its Calistoga chipset, Santa Rosa and the Crestline chipset will not be just an evolutionary update, but bring several new features to the user."

    There is no "Napa chipset". Like I said, Napa is a hardware-platfom...
    My bad, thanks for the correction. Obviously I've been talking about the 945 (Calistoga) chip.

    However, isn't Napa a "set of chips"? There's no "Napa chip", but there is a Napa chipset. Since Apple isn't using the Centrino brand, it's probably not a Napa platform per se.

    Definisi Kasih Ibu. semangkuk pengertian,
  • semangkuk pengertian,

  • bad03xtreme
    Apr 4, 12:41 PM
    What a bunch of winey gun-control people in here, the only down side was that the other two involved weren't shot and killed now they get to cost the tax payers more money in court which will be a hell of a lot more than the two the bullets would have cost. :rolleyes:

    Definisi Kasih Ibu. Sama juga dgn ibu bapa,
  • Sama juga dgn ibu bapa,

  • mdntcallr
    Apr 30, 01:48 PM
    yes, new imac's will come, but sadly the will probably come without:

    1- Matte screen option
    2- USB 3
    3- Blu-Ray

    apple will just give consumers part of the options they want.

    Definisi Kasih Ibu. ingatlah jasa ibu,
  • ingatlah jasa ibu,

  • OdduWon
    Sep 12, 01:31 AM
    this is great:) were going to be able to control front row with our new touch screen ipods. apple has kept this "close to the chest" because it involves leapord, core animation and the new front row. they even showed it to us when demoing core animation. they had all the data for the floating songs right there while they were just raining down in the background. think about it you could see a what you streamed to the tv on the ipod and touch albums or dvd covers floating in the library. :D hope bluetooth is enough for that seems the movie dongle transef speeds are going to be fast. hope they do release a mac mini tubeport package too.

    Definisi Kasih Ibu. peranan ibu bapa dalam
  • peranan ibu bapa dalam

  • jeff1977
    Mar 29, 11:51 AM
    He means CUT and paste hence the caps. Not copy. i.e. The text you select is both deleted and copied to the clipboard. I use it a lot myself in Windows and do miss it in OSX. Also allows you to easily move files around by CUT and pasting them :D

    Wow, I didnt even realize they took CUT away, I guess because I always use copy for text, as I rarely want it deleted. As far as using it for moving files, I don't use it because I always assumed, probably wrongly, that there was some file size limit or that it could affect performance when using it for large files (I mostly work with huge ProRes files. Maybe I think that because of old Photoshop error windows, when closing the application, saying clipboard failed to save due to size?

    Actually what annoys me in SL to no end is lack of file size sorting in Finder search (CMD+F) and the changes to Finder search like not being able to select which disk you're searching. If there is a way please inform me!

    Definisi Kasih Ibu. ibu
  • ibu

  • MacRumors
    Mar 30, 11:18 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/03/30/microsoft-hires-linguist-to-oppose-apples-app-store-trademark/)


    Definisi Kasih Ibu. peranan ibu bapa dalam petonsi
  • peranan ibu bapa dalam petonsi

  • emw
    Aug 23, 04:45 PM
    Maybe not, but why do I think Apple could have bought the entire company for that kind of dough?Ha! Probably crossed their minds.

    Mar 29, 03:34 PM
    Since windows phones will be the dreaded free phone, I can see how this will happen.

    I never wanted to be a member of the unwashed masses anyway.

    Sep 14, 11:33 AM
    Some ACD love? I need to buy soon.
    Hear hear, but its unlikely, they just updated the current models with more brightness and contrast ratio. I doubt they'd change it so quickly.

    Machead III
    Sep 1, 03:16 AM
    Agreed-UK is next to get TV shows-perhaps BBC will offer its shows.

    It had better do. The British public (those who pay license, which like 99% do) has the legal right to every single piece of footage, news story, radio recording etc. etc. the BBC has ever produced, but we have access to about 1% of it.

    It's a big point of controversy here. Partly it's been due to technology limitations, but pretty soon there'll be no excuse, and the BBC should be right off the bat finding new ways to deliver what belongs to us.

    Apr 30, 05:05 PM
    Cloud storage already exists. Look at dropbox, amazon, wuala, Carbonite. Lots of stuff which can handle user files and media already. Again, the person I quoted was talking about things in 2016, so quite possible for things to change by then.

    He was talking about the fact that "Cloud storage" uses physical media. ;) The cloud is not some kind of magic thing, it's just a bunch of physical disks and servers. And those disks and servers aren't anything special either, they are your typical server computer and the disks are also your standard server based disk, grouped up in a volume manager over massive raid arrays.

    Sep 9, 11:32 AM
    You again with your ludicrous claims? What makes you think that Mac Pro is the fastest desktop there is? What is the secret ingredient that makes it faster than other machines, considering that it uses same components than others do? And since Mac Pro supports less RAM (16GB vs. 64GB) than Dell does (for example), how could you say that it's "the most powerful"? Compared to Dell, it will be dog-slow for tasks that require a lot of RAM.

    Now, I hate Windows and I use it at work because I have no choice. An there are plenty of bad things in it. But I don't get any BSODs. I really don't. Back when I used a desktop, I sometimes left the machine running for weeks and I had no problems.

    When was the last time you used Windows? Back in Windows ME-days?

    Seriously: I think you should take a chill-pill an dial-back that fanboyishness of yours.

    Evangelion, I was picking on Aiden (as I always do) and we are normally able to exchange silly arguments with no fighting...

    Could you just calm down and shut up for now? Really, go spend your posts on other people...no need to worry about my "fanboy" behavior...after all, this is a forum devoted to Mac fans and rumors...so please leave if you don't like it.