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Monday, May 9, 2011

Presidency College Logo

Presidency College Logo. Electoral College results
  • Electoral College results

  • Yamcha
    Mar 29, 11:24 AM
    no one uses windows phones....and for a good reason too...it sucks, it sucks, oh and it sucks....

    I disagree, Windows Phone 7 is pretty impressive, now I probably wouldn't get it over a iPhone, but Windows Phone 7 would probably be my next choice, I'm not so much of a fan of Android phones.. And anyway you have to admit that Microsoft's approach is very different, which is what I like.. The Live tiles idea is really good..

    Presidency College Logo. Some College Students Use
  • Some College Students Use

  • obeygiant
    Apr 11, 01:22 AM
    Ikea's doing it because they can get away with it. They know labor laws in the US are there to protect the employer, not the employee. They couldn't do this back home in Sweden.

    Who is passing all the anti-union legislation? The right or the left?

    Are you referring to the public-sector unions that workers must join and must pay dues to? Because Unions exist everywhere in just about every field. How would the recent push against public sector unions collective bargaining effect this private company? It seems IKEA has the power to mistreat its employees because they're desperate for work. They've even hired a firm to "convince" the workers not to unionize.

    As Ugg pointed out, the 'right' has pushed for anti-union policies, including 'right-to-work' status for states like Virginia. That said, I don't think this is a 'right' or 'left' issue per se, but rather a gleeful removal of worker's rights to garner jobs—regardless of the health of a community funded by low-wage, short-term positions.

    yes, but I'm looking for evidence that the workers are unable to unionize due to a law that the "right" has passed.

    Presidency College Logo. College Basketball Analysis:
  • College Basketball Analysis:

  • poppe
    Aug 28, 06:49 PM

    merom is better than everyone anticipated... ---> http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/laptops/intel-core-duo-whassup-faster-197105.php

    all the people who said it's only marginal at best can stick it where the sun don't shine! suckaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzz

    Cool find, but I dont much believe it completely.

    Just my thought...

    I just trust that Arstancia website (how ever it is spelled) They did a core 2 duo laptop review and got some performance increases of around 10-15% but never 22%...

    Presidency College Logo. College Basketball: Louisville
  • College Basketball: Louisville

  • mashinhead
    Oct 12, 12:42 PM
    goes to a great cause, and doesn't cost you anything more.

    there is no such thing as charity in america, it always comes through commerce. why not just donate the $200 bux? does a lot more than the 10 bux you are donating now, so you can justify getting a new ipod. hell i would buy a red ipod just cos of the color i don't see why the cos has to be associated with it, if they're gonna do this they might as well just donate 10% of all ipod sales. at least it does something more than haveing a "show off" recipet for your so called act of charity.

    "Hi i'm bono, there's a huge aids problem in africa and people don't pay attention, heres a new ipod"


    Presidency College Logo. +mindanao+university+logo
  • +mindanao+university+logo

  • Dagless
    Apr 30, 06:13 PM
    Sooo looking forward to this! I'll probably get one from the Apple Store the following day maybe. Highest stock model for me! Well, unless the price jumps up from the current one. Oh and a bad GPU will make me buy a new PC that day. So come on good GPU!

    Presidency College Logo. College Football Discussion:
  • College Football Discussion:

  • Cybix
    Oct 12, 10:01 PM
    I haven't been to an Apple Store in ages so forgive me for asking but what kind of dock is that in the lower right? I'm sure it is a display designed only for the stores but is it actually a working dock as well?


    definately a cool dock!

    Presidency College Logo. College now offers HS juniors
  • College now offers HS juniors

  • danuff
    Nov 13, 03:24 PM
    Lets see how long they will stay away. There are buckets of DOLLARS waiting to be made in the App Store.

    Where are you getting this information from, fact or rumor?

    While it is true that SOME apps have taken off and earn big bucks, most of the apps do not. But that's the perception that Apple wants you to think, so they can lure new developers in, and only to frustrate them with Apple's review process.

    I hope this begins a domino effect to MAKE Apple rethink the entire review process - but, sadly, it probably won't.


    Presidency College Logo. College now offers HS juniors
  • College now offers HS juniors

  • CrackedButter
    Sep 19, 03:44 PM
    You do know that all this talk of Wal-Mart only applies to the US? They mean nothing out in the rest of the world, which is where Apple is taking this service.

    Wal-Mart of big, but they are not that big.

    Apple can still make a lot of money with Disney for the moment, they have the hearts of minds of children everywhere and parents are inclined sometimes to do things for their children, including downloading movies.

    Then there is art house movies and independent movie companies which probably never see the light of day in a Wal-Mart store. There is to much going on that could be stopped by Wal-Mart.

    Sucks to be them but they are not exactly the nicest company around.

    Presidency College Logo. Hillsdale College: Pursuing
  • Hillsdale College: Pursuing

  • thedude110
    Sep 13, 09:05 PM
    At least something to keep the rumor mill buzzing ...

    Maybe "one more thing" comes later in the week, then.

    Presidency College Logo. College Football End of Season
  • College Football End of Season

  • Eidorian
    Jul 15, 05:21 AM
    :( And I thought I was hot stuff with my 2GHz Core Duo iMac... Less than a month old!
    Oh well, that's the way it always goes...Someone should have paid attention to the Buyer's Guide.


    I've had the money for an iMac for over a month now. I haven't bought it though.

    What's the probability of being able to drop one of the newer, more powerful chips into my iMac sometime in the future? I mean, I've got 2GB RAM and a 500GB HDD, and a 256MB video card... A newer processor down the line should work well, right?The CPU is possible but you probably wouldn't want to it yourself. The hard drive is easier. The video card would require an entire logic board replacement.

    Presidency College Logo. 2010 College Football Week 1
  • 2010 College Football Week 1

  • IJ Reilly
    Sep 5, 01:54 PM
    Yerba Buena's going to be a busy place on Tuesday...the American Chemical Society is having a meeting at the Moscone Center next week with over 12,000 people in attendance. I'll have a friend in town for the meeting, so maybe I'll snoop around YPCFA and see what's up. Maybe the walls are thin enough that I can just put my ear up to them...

    Careful, Steve has them run 12,000 kv through those walls for Apple events.

    AAPL is making a nice advance on this news, up about $2 this afternoon. Looks like the markets have been waiting for Apple to get into this business.


    Presidency College Logo. French presidency of free
  • French presidency of free

  • thejadedmonkey
    Nov 13, 06:18 PM
    Aplenty needs to clean up their act here.
    Rogue isn't a small homegrown company, they deserve to be respected. With policies like this, the App Store might just eventually die.

    I hope it dies. It's an abomination among software development.

    Presidency College Logo. College Football Analysis:
  • College Football Analysis:

  • Popeye206
    Mar 23, 05:35 PM
    OMG! This app is great! Now that I've played with it some I LOVE it!

    It's freak'n hilarious too! You can change your alerts to things like "Hillbilly", or NY Cab driver. This is a really cool app and great for car clubs too as it has a caravan feature and you can track all the people in your caravan.

    Love it!

    Presidency College Logo. Amherst College President
  • Amherst College President

  • GFLPraxis
    Apr 28, 03:33 PM
    I'd be rather concerned about Apple's margins considering we're comparing a hardware company to a software company (free duplication of your product, once you've gotten past the millions in R&D to develop it) that has a captive market as large as Microsoft's (guaranteed sales to pay for your R&D easy, and a very large price point at $200-$300 a pop for Windows and Office).

    However, maybe it's Microsoft that should be concerned; either Apple has disgusting margins, or Microsoft's other divisions are simply squandering their revenue so bad that they are essentially subsidizing the entire company with Windows/Office.

    Presidency College Logo. College Football End of Season
  • College Football End of Season

  • milo
    Sep 5, 05:19 PM
    I've seen some posts about transferring "that much data" in disbelief. I calculate that a two hour movie will no more about 450MB. I hope it is, of course. This is based on a 1-hr episode of Lost is about 200MB. I fudge in 50MB for the fact that each Lost episode never is EXACTLY 1 hour.

    I can transfer that size (450MB) from my ReplayTV wirelessly to my PowerBook in less than a half hour with my Airport Extreme Basestation.

    So... I see no problem. Perhaps the show will be delayed a little but not more than a few minutes

    Lost runs about 42 minutes, so more like 600 meg. And you're assuming they'll ship movies at 320x240, which I doubt. If they up the quality to anything approaching DVD, file sizes will go way up. But I still think a well implemented wireless solution should be able to keep up, people are doing it already.

    Presidency College Logo. College Football Analysis: 5
  • College Football Analysis: 5

  • Fraaaa
    Apr 22, 12:11 PM
    Should I be pissed having bought the new SSD MB Air 4 months ago?:confused: I deserved some TB speeds.

    You'll be fine.

    Presidency College Logo. Here#39;s how the logo has looked
  • Here#39;s how the logo has looked

  • jsoto
    Apr 28, 03:24 PM

    Presidency College Logo. Franklink amp; Marshall College.
  • Franklink amp; Marshall College.

  • Machead III
    Sep 20, 03:19 AM
    And a hearty Amen and hell yeah for that!

    Maybe someone shoudl get to work on adding subtitles to Itunes 7 and FrontRow then. Missing that feature was so ****ing dense of Apple.

    Presidency College Logo. An Argument for Paying College
  • An Argument for Paying College

  • MonkeyClaw
    Sep 26, 10:39 AM
    Cingular has terrible coverage here in Asheville, especially on campus from my experience. With verizon though, I can be anywhere and have guarunteed at least 3 bars. Cingluar works sometimes on campus but for the most part its a bit sketchy. Haven't tried it in the city though.

    Apr 19, 07:34 AM
    The Nexus S looks different to the Galaxy S in software and physical looks but is included in the suit. As that is a Google experience device I do wonder why Apple don't target Google directly.

    Google probably have a kickass patent portfolio so they'll just countersue.

    Mar 23, 05:50 PM
    Its plain to see what is happening here. But I agree with you I will not concede my rights for any reason what so ever.

    I stop listening to anyone who ever utters the words "Constitutional or not..."

    Our basic freedoms as Americans aren't worth conceding for any reason whatsoever, no matter how noble the goal may seem from a distance.

    Mar 30, 01:00 PM
    Apple is upset at Amazon for using AppStore.
    Microsoft is upset at Apple for using App Store.

    What's your point? Are you trying to phrase it in a way that sounds like the two are somehow the same? Apple was awarded the trademark to "app store" and other companies want to use it - whether that trademark holds up we'll have to see.

    Go to about 1:03


    And what does that have to do with the app store trademark? He doesn't mention "app store" does he?

    However what isn't appreciated is that 'App' is in itself an abbreviation. It's debatable whether apple popularised it not but thats not the point.

    Good point. The obvious alternative to App Store is Application Store.

    Along those same lines, the term ANDROID was in general use and considered generic and not trademarkable. In Star Wars, George Lucas used the term Droid - since it hadn't been used before he was able to trademark the shorter term (which he still holds).

    News Flash 2013 Apple trademarks:

    Clothing Store, Shoe Store, Hardware Store, Candy Store and Mayonnaise

    What about the Container Store, which is trademarked? Seems like the difference is whether or not the term is in common use before the trademark is filed.

    May 3, 11:34 AM
    ...that if each Thunderbolt port can support six daisy chained pieces of kit, if each one of those was a TB-equipped 30" monitor, we could have a 27" iMac with a 13-screen setup and 387" of screen real-estate?!! I need to buy a bigger house!!!!

    Sep 14, 05:17 AM
    "A taste of things to come" being said by Jobs at the same event as the release of a way to 'type' on an iPod with just the clickwheel :rolleyes:

    I don't think there would be a great need for a numpad if dialling, SMS, etc. can all be done from this wheel?

    I currently believe that if one is on the way, it would look a lot more like the iPod video of today than we think.


    EDIT: Picture.
    I think you got something there.