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Monday, May 9, 2011

Marginal Artery Of Drummond

Marginal Artery Of Drummond. pictures
  • pictures

  • min_t
    Aug 23, 07:38 PM
    There's more to this than anyone here as realised I believe.

    A hundred with 6 zero's is an awful lot of cash, even for Apple, but what gets me is just how quickly this has been settled.

    Before going down that road though, lets understand that fighting this case could have cost Apple between, let's say half as much and maybe 3 times as much, so it's a fair gamble. Additionally it seems that Apple have endorsed the creative patent, which may pave the way to creative receiving further license fees of which it seems Apple will receive a share.

    The deal also lets creative move into the accessory market with made for ipod and out of the mp3 player market. I don't know if this is usual but I have an ipod which cost � 270, but I have around � 400 of made for ipod accessories. Perhaps creative will earn more from accessories than their zen. creative have struggled against the ipod, the zune may not have a significant impact on ipod sales but it would destroy the zen.

    In many ways it is all the accessories for the ipod that make it so irresistible. creative may not only join the made for ipod market, but enhance it and ultimately benefit Apple. Also whilst not clear here whether the tag is free or not, I believe the made for ipod tag earns apple 10% of sales, which if not free is likely to recover all if not more than the $100 m paid to creative.

    Now to the issue of how quickly Apple settled. I have to wonder why Apple could not have hung on for 6 months, offered creative half or 3/4 as much and had their hand snapped off because of creative's declining situation. Put simply I believe the deal had to be done quickly because Apple are about to announce something big, something that may have made the $ 100m look miniscule.

    I was thinking the same thing. Creative was asking for a cease order to stop deliveries from Asia. There must be something on that super transport leaving Shanghai harbor last week.

    Marginal Artery Of Drummond. Hollywood+actress+Emma+Watson
  • Hollywood+actress+Emma+Watson

  • nagromme
    Oct 12, 02:20 PM
    I wouldn't want a red clickwheel unless it was metal. Red plastic would not match the rest well.

    PS, I wish the nano clickwheels lit up blinding white in the dark like on the ads :)

    Marginal Artery Of Drummond. AJP Letter Photography
  • AJP Letter Photography

  • QCassidy352
    Oct 12, 01:26 PM
    It's certainly better than an red, glossy 1G nano - hopefully it would have the proper matte, anodised finish of the current nanos rather than the glossy coating ColorWarePC use to do their custom iPods.

    Not too bad though...

    that looks pretty good, actually. I'm not sure it's better than the ones they already have, but it's another nice choice.

    Marginal Artery Of Drummond. Julia Roberts: I Gained 10
  • Julia Roberts: I Gained 10

  • greg6028
    Sep 14, 08:50 AM
    It's coming soon!
    Thinking of the event last Tuesday, it was interesting that Steve finished the Keynote with,
    On your desktop, in your car, in your pocket in your home theater....
    He was pointing out where Apple products are - so why not your phone.
    Jobs had a lot of events last year in the final quarter. I can see him doing another one soon.
    (I know there is one coming up next week, but my bet on one in Oct. for the iPhone!)

    Marginal Artery Of Drummond. baby
  • baby

  • Popeye206
    Apr 28, 03:28 PM
    Balmer is thinking early retirement I'm sure. :p

    Who would have ever thunk that little old Apple would eventually pass MS?

    Marginal Artery Of Drummond. Albert Lea and Totino-Grace
  • Albert Lea and Totino-Grace

  • lbjazz
    Apr 11, 06:33 AM
    Ok this makes no real sense to I figure Apple is behind it. Merantz and Denon both have upgrade and both same price. Are they for real, come on Airplay upgrade WTF. I smell Apple crazy behind it. :rolleyes:

    I guess its a software upgrade to their internal chip, but I still think its stupid, if your going to buy a 1000 plus receiver this is just dam bad PR to me.

    Denon and Marantz are the same company, two pieces of D&M Holdings (http://www.dm-holdings.com/eng/).

    The discussion about this here is ridiculous. There are many good reasons that Apple has to encrypt the music data stream. First, it's a privacy issue--If encryption were not standard people would be even more widely angry that Apple provides an insecure product that allows others to snoop on one's audio stream. Furthermore, in order to license all that iTunes Store content Apple has no choice but to provide security in its delivery mechanisms. Movie and music studios are big into the whole idea of encrypted data streams and would stand for nothing less.

    Now that the key is cracked, the security is theoretically defeated (someone just has to write a program to hijack data streams) and the studios no longer have their hacker-proof data stream. Apple probably doesn't care though because they did their due diligence and forcing a firmware upgrade with a new key (which would just be cracked again anyway) would be impossible and fraught with problems.

    Marginal Artery Of Drummond. birthday cake and balloons
  • birthday cake and balloons

  • Lightivity
    Oct 5, 03:16 AM
    Being 16x9 encoded is not the same thing as being anaporphically encoded.

    Being 16x9 encoded just means that the video is meant to be viewed at a 16x9 ratio. Yes, the movies (that I have bought, anyway,) are 16x9. Specifically, Good Will Hunting is 640x344.

    Anamorphically encoded refers to the act of 'stretching' 16x9 source to the height of 4x3; so that you effectively get 33% more 'vertical' data than horizontal. The TV is then supposed to 'squish' the video back to 16x9. So, for example, if you tell your DVD player that you have a '16x9 anamorphic' TV, it will output the widescreen video to fill the entire 720x480 resolution. If you tell it you have a '16x9 non-anamorphic', it will still be outputting 720x480, but will add black bars on the top and bottom, to achive a 'video' resolution of 720x405.

    My TV, for example, has a special '16x9 anamorphic' mode where it actually re-aims its electron beam so that it's only drawing in the 16x9 area, but at a higher vertical density than it normally would. Meaning that I no longer have square pixels. Instead, I have pixels that are 1.33 times wider than tall. (More data packed in height-wise.)

    If iTunes movies were sold as anamorphic, then Good Will Hunting would be 640x372, and rely on the TV to 'squish' the 372 high into the height that 344 should be. Thereby displaying more vertical information in the same space.

    I know exactly what 'anamorphic' means, and it was precisely what I meant when saying "16x9-encoded", with the exception that 'anamorphic' is a totally confusing and natively incorrect term.

    Why? Because nothing is ever stretched or squashed in digital video. The anamorphic concept has unfortunately been transfered from the celluloid world where light truly is pressed together on a 35-mm film frame only to be expanded in the theater. Now, maybe I should have added the word "enhanced for widescreen" after "16x9-encoded" but it doesn't matter: All 16x9-videomaterial is encoded so that all 720x480 pixels carry the approximate dimension of 16x9 with the aim of fitting a television that holds a display with 1.78:1 proportions. That is the very definition of 16x9. It is not anamorphical. It is not sqeezed. It is just 16x9 pixels spread across a compatible display.

    Ehurtley, what I think you thought I meant, was aspect ratio. But that is something completely else. The aspect ratio is the proportions of the frame the director intended the action to be shown in, and there are several. One is 2.35:1, but the most common is 1.85:1, which most closely resembles the 1.78:1 frame that 16x9-encoded video fits right into. The only ones using the 1:78:1 aspect ratio is tv-productions. Film productions rarely use it (they stick to conventional 2.35:1 and 1.85:1).

    Don't confuse the 1.78:1 aspect ratio which -- together with 1.85:1 and 2.35:1 -- is the artistic concept of framing action, with 16x9-encoding which is the technical solution of using a standard pixel resolution in a widescreen setup.

    So, my question remains: is there any 16x9-encoded film content on iTunes Store?

    Marginal Artery Of Drummond. quotes on courage
  • quotes on courage

  • bbotte
    Apr 20, 10:35 AM
    It says I have been in Vegas, I haven't been to vegas since the early 90's. Fail

    Marginal Artery Of Drummond. Here is a link that might be
  • Here is a link that might be

  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 17, 03:30 PM
    If you are going to make a claim like that you really should provide a source.




    Marginal Artery Of Drummond. cute cartoon girl baby
  • cute cartoon girl baby

  • MacRumors
    Apr 11, 01:39 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/11/apple-airplay-private-key-exposed-opening-door-to-airport-express-emulators/)


    Marginal Artery Of Drummond. Often, before I plant
  • Often, before I plant

  • logandzwon
    Mar 29, 12:01 PM
    I LOLed when I saw this, but after reading it, I see what they are doing. They obviously strongly believe in Nokia's world-wide relevance. They think pretty much every Symbian user will switch over to winmo7.

    Marginal Artery Of Drummond. GIBBONS Coat of Arms Mug
  • GIBBONS Coat of Arms Mug

  • Koodauw
    Sep 18, 12:43 AM
    I'm sure I late getting into the argument, and that fanboyism depending on what network youre own will not change, but I really think GSM does have better voice quality than any other network.

    Marginal Artery Of Drummond. Order your English Coat of
  • Order your English Coat of

  • Kaafir
    Oct 27, 01:05 PM
    i think this whole environmental movement has been turned into a product. look at so-called environmentally-friendly cars (hybrids, flex fuel, etc). they're all using gas or resources in one way or another. but on the commercials you're told that by driving them, you're 'saving the earth'. it's all just a gimmick now.

    don't throw your old ipods or computers away. give them to poor people. that's what i've done.

    I tried that, but the hobo down at the tracks said he wanted a new video iPod because it was the new hotness and the mini I was trying to give him was old and busted. (/sarc)

    Somthing else that people don't readily think about is the fact that when paper is recycled, there are more chemicals put back into the environment in order to break it down to pulp than would be used to turn new pulp wood into paper.

    I'm all for not clubbing baby seals to make Tiffany store tampons for rich ho's in Bel Air, but you have to draw the line for reasonableness somewhere. Some of this stuff, honestly, seems like a marketing ploy -

    "We'll sell you this bottle made from 100% recycled iPods and which also contains 100% biodegradable chemicals that are safe to use in your bathroom! Best of all, we're going to make 600% profit since the ordinary non-ecofriendly stuff only makes us 150% profit, but you get to rest your conscious about driving that Tahoe with no kids and living in the suburbs by fooling yourself into thinking that you're being environmentally responsible and doing your part! Go you!"

    Marginal Artery Of Drummond. well wishes for wedding
  • well wishes for wedding

  • miketcool
    Sep 13, 09:49 PM
    So the search feature is related to dialing? Man, this is only throwing fuel into an uniterrested group of people worn from constant rumorings of whimsical phones.

    Marginal Artery Of Drummond. for birds such as Blue Jays.
  • for birds such as Blue Jays.

    Sep 5, 02:44 PM
    It's Showtime. Obvious reference to movies. What do (consumers) want? What does apple like to sell? HARDWARE. Steve will introduce some sort of on-line movie service. I have no idea what it will be, other than different from other options. To me, the on-line movie store is not a bit sexy.

    What will be sexy are the other three devices he will introduce that will use that service...

    1) True Video iPod. With some sort of wireless transfer method. There is no point in on-line service (for apple) if it ain't mobile.

    2) The Apple Movie Machine, probably looking a lot like a Mini, to interface wirelessly to your computer with your TV seamlessly, using an improved Front Row. It will have DVR capability and ability to work with streamed high quality video from iTunes movie store.

    3) 23" iMac with a TV tuner, and the ability to pickup streamed movies from the ITunes movie store, and built-in DVR capacity upon which to view those nice movies.

    Marginal Artery Of Drummond. Actress Blake Lively attends
  • Actress Blake Lively attends

  • coder12
    May 3, 11:08 AM
    What do people prefer? I've heard quite bad things about the Magic Mouse, the majority of people saying they find it uncomfortable etc?

    As I already have a good Logitech wireless mouse, would it be a better combination to use that plus the Trackpad?

    I'm personally a big fan of the mighty mouse. I have smaller hands, and also use bettertouchtool. I find certain maneuvers difficult with it still (like 3 finger swipes), but obviously I opt'd in for that ;)

    They're both very nice pieces of hardware, with separate purposes. I'll be honest and say that if I had the choice between the two, I'd buy the trackpad:
    a. Gestures on Lion feel better with it imho.
    b. I use the keyboard for almost everything, and moving over to a mouse which I'll need to move farther away from my keyboard is irritating. The trackpad stays in one spot.
    c. You already have a nice mouse ;)

    Marginal Artery Of Drummond. This sweet party designed by
  • This sweet party designed by

  • azakmi2
    Mar 7, 03:14 AM
    The only way your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch is vulnerable to these things is if YOU jailbreak it. Even then, the number of jail broken IOS devices is and will remain too small a target to go after. This is why Apple has a walled garden, and why the Android model is destined to follow the PC down the virus/botnet hell hole. It's also why AV vendors would prefer that you bought Android or Windows mobile.


    Duplicate File Finder (http://www.duplicate-finder-pro.com) Is The Only Program That Finds And Removes Duplicate Files From Your PC......

    Marginal Artery Of Drummond. Infanteria de Marina de
  • Infanteria de Marina de

  • A.Fairhead
    Sep 14, 08:21 AM
    Whether the iPhone, if/on release, is in two models (similar to the nano/video relationship) or not, here's a mockup I've just created, depicting what I would expect of the device at the moment.

    I don't usually do mock-ups (this is in fact my first one) but with all the numpad/touchscreen/slide-down ideas in the works, I wanted to show a solution which is based very much on what we have right now. It would make sense that the devices would sit snugly in line with Apple's other mobile products.


    Marginal Artery Of Drummond. Alexander Ovechkin (L-R)
  • Alexander Ovechkin (L-R)

  • MacVault
    Sep 19, 04:36 PM
    Err, buy an external HD or upgrade your iBook HD!

    I have a 1Ghz iBook with a 80GB HD (upgraded it myself) and 2 160GB firewire HD's so what was your point?

    My point is...

    1) The Movies take up huge amounts of storage space.
    2) I hate having to always plug external drives into my iBook.
    3) We need redundancy for storing these movies we buy. An "external HD" just won't cut it.
    4) If I want to take my iBook on the road with me, then how are the other people in my house going to access the Movies and other media via iTV if it's stored on my iBook or some "external HD" which requires a host computer to be of any use.

    Apr 11, 02:37 AM
    Unlikely - this would require the new private key be embedded in the firmware update package, which would defeat the purpose of replacing the old key.

    This is a fundamental issue with DRM solutions - you, as the consumer, have to hold the private key. They (Apple) can obfuscate where that key is, but in the end it has to be accessible in some manner. It's the same thing with iTunes DRM. If someone cares enough, they can almost certainly retrieve the private key (which is how Requiem works).

    I'm guessing Apple may make some half-hearted move or another; but I doubt they care all that much.

    What could they loose, but I know there be more demand for apple products if more companies jump on the band wagon. Like TV with Airplay built in, nice. :D

    Apr 4, 11:52 AM
    Everyone decrying the head shot, if you read the better of the two articles, you will see that gunfire was exchanged. The guard didn't just open up on people running away with loot. They opened up on the guard in the attempt to get away. If that happens, all bets are off on what the guard can do.

    Arm Chair Enforcers. Easy to complain until you've had the experience. :apple:

    Sep 13, 10:27 PM
    a combo, phone, PDA, Mp3 player and I am sold. Unlike the iTV I would see a lot of value on this.

    Apr 20, 02:01 PM
    Not trying to be a aluminum foil hat theorist here but this is the kind of small first step that leads us down a dark path to a "Minority Report" kind of future.

    But the Minority Report had the most amazing designs, and everything looked flawless. And you got to sort data with your hands.

    If something looks really good and have a great UI, then it can't be bad.

    Apr 22, 01:50 PM
    Backlit keyboard is a must... That alone would keep me away from teh MBA

    How about lower the price $400 too.