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Thursday, May 19, 2011

justin bieber and selena gomez beach pictures

justin bieber and selena gomez beach pictures. Justin Bieber Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber Selena Gomez

  • BRLawyer
    Apr 19, 03:29 PM
    That's what separates the 'boys' from the 'men'. We are the hardcore bunch here-we don't mess around (unlike the kids playing at the other side of the MR sandbox).

    Couldn't have said it better :D PC/Winblows/Droided users, steer clear..!

    justin bieber and selena gomez beach pictures. Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber
  • Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber

  • OttawaGuy
    Jan 12, 04:12 PM
    Perhaps AIR is an acronym?
    Apple I______ R______ :)

    justin bieber and selena gomez beach pictures. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • babyj
    Nov 29, 06:11 PM
    Whilst I'm not Microsofts biggest fan, their Media Centre is pretty good, actually its a lot more than pretty good - even I'm tempted. Once you've got Media Centre running on your PC, you can hook up a �200 Xbox 360 to access all the content (music, video, digital tv etc). The PVR side of Media Centre is excellent as well.

    If the iTV is going to cost �100, it will need to do something pretty special to be a success - everything that Microsoft offerings can do at the very least.

    justin bieber and selena gomez beach pictures. JUSTIN BIEBER AND SELENA GOMEZ

  • showtunes
    Jan 12, 12:47 AM

    Let's just keep it simple. Here are the two things that are in the air:

    1. WIMAX type wireless for MacBook Pros
    2. The ability to sync your iPod and iPhone without a cable

    justin bieber and selena gomez beach pictures. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • twoodcc
    Apr 17, 09:23 AM
    Hehehe no it's fine, I will post it in this thread however ;)

    Just realised that 1 million is very possible for me.

    ok. yes it is!

    and congrats to rwh202 for 4 million points!

    justin bieber and selena gomez beach pictures. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • SaMaster14
    Jan 11, 06:38 PM
    Thanks for the kudos, and to the rental dude too. :D The V8 is easy to get spoiled by, with all that power on tap. Too bad about the UK gas prices though, I think I agree with you!

    The euro dudes on the 300c board used to make me jealous about their CRD with that high gas mileage Mercedes diesel, I've heard it gets in the realm of 30-35mpg (brit gallons, of course). Holy crap! That's practically Honda Civic (with gas engine) territory! Unfortunately, the CRD engine can be a headache as far as reliability is concerned. (or so I've heard)

    I haven't been in a v6 300 in a very long time though, heh. Cheers!

    Your welcome. And just want to make clear that I meant no disrespect to the car in saying that we get it as a rental. We obviously get the bone-stock V6s, and they are really nice! I know the V8 and the SRT8 versions are amazing.

    justin bieber and selena gomez beach pictures. Justin bieber his girlfriend
  • Justin bieber his girlfriend

  • macidiot
    Jul 20, 04:44 PM
    My guess is it will open UP a great deal, around $4 then drop $1 or 2, 2 hours into the day and then climb to finish up 5 to 6$ :D

    Seasonally and VERY consistently AAPL drops from March to the end of sept and then rises strongly from late Aug. to Christmas. Then rises more in Jan. rests in Feb. and quickly and unpredictably peaks in March or May !?!?!?!

    Some years you will make %100 playing it this way, every once in a while you might loose %10, when betting makes bets that have BIG upsides and small downsides !!!

    That is the general trend of the stock market. And the US economy.

    Late spring/summer... market trends flat to down. People are more interested in vacations than working.

    Sept. market rallies briefly as people get back to work.

    October is traditionally the worst month to be in stocks. Every major crash has happened in October.

    Nov-Dec the market usually rallies. I attribute this to Christmas and bonuses/performance rating. Money managers need to boost their performance numbers for the year so they pump up stocks, usually pouring into any stock that has performed decently. It may not go up, but at least they can say they were in winning stocks.

    Jan-early spring usually has selling. A combination of cashing out of the Christmas rally and tax selling.

    justin bieber and selena gomez beach pictures. Were dating justin bieber,apr
  • Were dating justin bieber,apr

  • DrFrankTM
    Sep 1, 01:21 PM
    I think you're absolutely right!! They need to stick in a couple of digial tuners in it too tho.....

    The problem with adding tuners from what I understand is that there are many different standards throughout the world. Anyone knows if there are there tuners that do it all at the moment? Even without a tuner though, it'd be a pretty slick machine.

    Also, if Apple markets those as HDTVs-that-are-also-computers instead of computers-with-big-screens, I think they could go after a part of the HDTV market that would more than compensate the "downgrades" from the Mac Pro. But a 23-inch model would not only cause downgrades from the Mac Pro. People like me would upgrade from the Mini too! I wanted more than the 20-inch iMac's 1680x1050 for my main screen. Since I bought a Dell screen to go with my Mini, Apple lost a sale there.

    A 23-inch iMac would also crank up Apple's coolness factor a couple of notches. I mean... the Mac Pro is cool and all, but few people - the regular folks, not us gadgets freaks - want to have such a huge box in their living room, and Apple could give better specs to a 23-inch iMac than those of a Mini+screen. Anyways, I think it'd be an awesome product. I hope we'll see something like that in the near future.

    justin bieber and selena gomez beach pictures. Selena Gomez, Beach,Bikini
  • Selena Gomez, Beach,Bikini

  • RayLancer
    Oct 2, 10:43 AM
    I also bought mine from ebay


    I bought one shipped from California on ebay. Maybe I just have horrible luck seeing that you and wolfboy had no issues. I already bought some silcone cases for protection for the 2 iPods I own, but I guess I can give this another shot...

    justin bieber and selena gomez beach pictures. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • longofest
    Nov 29, 01:37 PM
    It's true then; Apple are releasing a toilet with an iPod dock! SWEET!!!! :eek:

    Actually, I was thinking they were working on a car ;)

    justin bieber and selena gomez beach pictures. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • swingerofbirch
    Aug 24, 06:10 PM
    finally a rumor!

    after weeks of speculation on the forums, a front page rumor feels fact!

    holding my thumbs for a conroe imac! (a swedish expression...i think?)

    justin bieber and selena gomez beach pictures. In related news, Selena
  • In related news, Selena

  • RITZFit
    Apr 17, 10:13 AM
    Wait what ? Hondas are some of the worst offenders. Their last great shifters hail from the late 90s. Everything ever since has been downhill, at least here in North America.

    The hondas I've driven from 02-06 (including mine) have all have very good engaging transmissions.

    justin bieber and selena gomez beach pictures. Justin Bieber amp; Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber amp; Selena Gomez

  • CFreymarc
    Apr 2, 08:27 PM
    Hmmm... not really. I hate marketing. Nothing they say will change that. They also need to stop calling the iPad "magical". It really isn't. It's very nice, but not magical.

    Keep up that attitude and continue wondering why no one talks with you as you type on your laptop in the middle of the coffee shop across from De Anza college. Sure, you may have helped get DB2 started and you still work in a DOS window but don't blame your wife for leaving you as you worked late at night too long. How much of the money from the IPO went to family attorney and court fees?

    justin bieber and selena gomez beach pictures. dating justin bieber out
  • dating justin bieber out

  • SeaFox
    Dec 27, 10:02 PM
    I�m waiting on buying a HD DVD or BlueRay until the price comes down, so I could see iTV offering a HD alternative, and filling that niche.
    I'm waiting for one format or the other to win, and I don't have an HD set anyway.

    What else could be practical? Of course it will have a hard drive� a cable box DVR has a hard drive.
    You're comparing apples to oranges now. A cable box is a tuner and a self-contained unit. As far as we know, iTV will not have a tuner. Its only known function at this time is to stream content from a Mac, so that makes iTV like a Slingbox, not a cableco DVR. And Slingboxes don't have hard drives.

    If it also has the ability to surf the web and run a word processor, handle video from DVR and digital camera, I�ll get one�
    I wouldn't hold my breath on the word processing and web surfing. WebTV showed surfing the internet on a TV sucked because trying to read normal-sized text from six feet away was hard, and bumping the text size up would goof up the page layout generally. Same reason word processing would be silly.

    That is if the price is about $500.
    I'm predicting a price around $400, but I'm also expecting a streaming device.

    Some unanswered questions are where are they going to get the bandwidth to do all this? You will have to have a cable subscription, perhaps just a basic subscription, but even then bandwidth is limited.
    What bandwidth? The stuff you watch is downloaded to your Mac first, or even the iTV itself. They don't stream it every time you want to watch it. The iTunes Store is open for business for movies. The bandwidth problem has already been addressed.

    This could be very interesting. I have often wondered why all the cable companies and satellite companies are within $5 pricing difference of each other?
    That's lack of competition caused by effects of previous government sanctioned monopolies. And some "cooperation" by the different players in the industry. Kinda like how airline tickets and auto insurance are all pretty much the same.

    justin bieber and selena gomez beach pictures. Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber
  • Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber

  • Leoff
    Nov 27, 09:05 PM

    Let's look at the facts.

    20" Apple $699 - Dell $399
    23" Apple $999 - Dell $799 (24")
    30" Apple $1999 - Dell $1499

    Those are real numbers. Dell has brighter specs, more connection options, and with the 23" they have a 24" that's still $200 cheaper.

    What imaginary planet are you on? $300, $200, and $500 difference in price respectively. That's real money. And it pressures people into considering a Dell. (Bad Apple!) All you are really getting for those extra hundres of dollars is a display that looks nice with your mini, MBP, or MP.

    You claim that Apple's monitors are selling well, but you have no facts to back that up. Apple doesn't post their sales numbers for products like this so you're just making it up. Those sales numbers could suck a$$ and you wouldn't know. And I believe they do suck, but Apple won't tell you that, it sucks because they want them to suck. Keep reading.

    I believe Apple does this to encourage people to buy iMacs. If your willing to pony up $2400 or more on a Mac Pro then maybe an extra $500 doesn't bother you for the two 30" displays your going to use, and if all you can afford is mini Apple doesn't seem to mind you buying that Dell monitor. By pricing the monitors several hundred more than they are really worth, you are now in the iMac price range. I bet if you could see and add up the numbers, buying a mini and an over priced cinema display gives Apple the same profit margin as an iMac. Apple doesn't have a mid range tower. Again, because they want to sell you an iMac. By keeping their product line simple they reduce costs; making one widget as apposed to five different widgets is cheaper. But that limits choice.

    I have an iMac, but I really don't want one. I want a mid-range tower and an external monitor. I'm not alone either. Apple's monitor price is a "choice incentive". It may help their bottom line, but it limits my choice. And since I hate Windows I'm forced into Apple's program. This is really what people are complaining about here. They want a mini and 20" cinema for under $1000, and I want a 23" and tower for under $2000, not a 24" iMac!

    So, back to a 17" cinema. Why would Apple do this? I don't think they will. A 17" iMac is only $899. That's where they make their money, oh, and people like me willing to pay premium because we value esthetics.

    Wow. For someone who seems to have all the answers, you're not reading the rest of this thread very well.


    In short, Apple's monitors are for higher-end users. Anyone can go out and get a Dell. Most people do. If you want cheap and easy, you get a Dell monitor.

    I noticed that you didn't mention any of the 20" NEC Displays that run much, MUCH higher in price than even Apple's. Now why are they so much more expensive? Are they too high-priced? Vastly overpriced?

    There are differences. You'd know that if you took the time to look.

    Yes, you are indeed correct. Those are "real" numbers. Numbers that are comparing two different types of monitors.

    Next time you wish to present facts, try and present them all instead of just the ones that support your case.

    justin bieber and selena gomez beach pictures. selena gomez kissing justin
  • selena gomez kissing justin

  • twoodcc
    May 3, 11:07 AM
    I don't use my 09 MP for anything real intense but even having several apps going it doesn't take anything out of folding, I get the same times regardless.

    so running things like itunes and iphoto, and surfing the web, things are fine?

    justin bieber and selena gomez beach pictures. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • sineplex
    Sep 29, 02:13 AM
    Still satisfied with my dermashot. It really hasn't collected much dust. If your on the wall still about a silicon case, check it out.


    Thanks Bill - I just got mine in the mail today.
    You said the screen protector isn't great and I've decided to not even use a screen protector now and go naked and just use the Dermashot cover to protect the back. It looks really great, will pick up my 32GB IPT4 before the weekend.

    justin bieber and selena gomez beach pictures. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • iGav
    Apr 10, 03:12 PM
    Yes in terms of quick shifting a sequential gearbox is it.

    To be fair... it's not just about the speed of the shift. It's also the fact that (in a double-clutch anyway) it opens up a different approach to driving compared to a conventional manual, for example you can downshift as you left foot brake whilst turning in and balancing the car on both the throttle and the brake through the corner, whilst also changing back up, all the time without upsetting the balance of the car. It's a different approach, but no less challenging than a conventional manual.

    But it's also like what robbie has pointed out, many modern ECU's no longer allow a driver to heel-and-toe because as soon as the brake pedal is depressed, it overrides the accelerator, so you can't blip the throttle, coupled with the generally tardy throttle response of drive-by-wire anyway, you could end up with a situation whereby it's impossible to actually heel-in-toe at all.... never mind left foot brake.

    Have to say, whenever these threads crop up, I'm alway left with the opinion that in the U.S., being able to depress a clutch and move a stick at the same time is seen as some kind of divine talent... :p :p :p For the record, I can drive a manual, but then so did my granma. ;) :p

    justin bieber and selena gomez beach pictures. Justin+ieber+selena+gomez
  • Justin+ieber+selena+gomez

  • banjomamo
    Jul 19, 06:01 PM
    I bought 3 macs in this last quarter, so I accounted for 0.00023% of their revenue. Rock on Apple. Don't ever stop.

    Nov 18, 09:45 PM
    I'm just kind of guessing here but I think folding is costing me about $50 a month :eek:holy crap dude, thats why i fold at work. since big adv i shut off my 4ghz hackie folder

    how many machines do you have running?

    Aug 16, 04:36 PM
    This would be a killer product if also booting Mac OS X mobile (to be released):

    1. Make Keynote or PowerPoint presentations on Mac or PC.

    2. Transfer to wireless iPod.

    3. Carry only the iPod with you and use it as a wireless remote control to give a wireless presentation.

    No cables or computers involved. Wow! It will sell millions in the corporate, education and domestic markets. Imagine the tremendous halo efect! Apple will double or triple market share of Mac as well!

    Sep 14, 10:40 PM
    The BB I got my Griffin case from also had a couple other griffin gloss ones of hard plastic in bright blue, black - although it was more smoke/gray, and I forget, one other color. You can check stock on bestbuy.com search for ipod 4th and it'll come up with a few cases and etc for it. then do check store inventory. good luck!

    Jan 2, 05:50 PM




    Aug 29, 12:25 PM
    I know this is off topic...

    yes it is, and you already entioned it another discussion. and there is aready a dedicated discussion about it. so why spam this thread?