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Thursday, May 19, 2011

dress code smart casual

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  • Dress Code: Smart Casual

  • 840quadra
    Dec 1, 07:05 PM
    ... As far as some Script Kiddie wanting to make a name for themself the mass of mac users would need to be higher. There are still currently not enough mac users to warrent such acts, you would not get notice......

    I hope you understand what exactly you are saying. Under 10% is still Millions of systems. Included in that small percentage are hundreds if not thousands of businesses, thousands of schools, and many home businesses. Like anything in life, there are people that like the easy stuff, the work that effects the most people, or the work that provides the most challenge.

    Worldwide impact is likely motivation for some hackers, however it doesn't include all of them!

    I would strongly advise against dropping your Limewire habits and moving towards more legitimate sources for your content.

    I am 100% in agreement with this statement! Besides P2P shares like this are a hotbed for corrupt files, trojans (windows world(for now)), and it is being cracked down more and more every day.

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  • What Does Smart Casual Dress

  • roosta
    Apr 15, 03:07 PM
    Goes against Steve Jobs saying Lion was shipping this summer. What is your source ?

    Until Apple says it's delayed, I'll believe Apple when they say it ships this summer.

    just so you know, summer begins june 21 and ends sept 23 this year. so even it it comes out sept 22, its still a summer release.

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  • Smart Casual cartoon 1

  • ngenerator
    Apr 14, 10:45 AM
    It seems to be fixed with no new updates :( drats

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  • Sammio2
    Mar 31, 12:03 PM
    This is terrible... Preferred the previous look!

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  • appleguy123
    Apr 28, 02:51 PM

    I want to own the strip club.

    And didn't you see how upset and disoriented I was by your death? I lost all track of time.

    The would be the best narrative EVER.
    MRVille is brothel, and 2 girls have stds.
    The seer is a health department screener.
    The hunter is a condom distributor.
    It might have to go to the PRSI, though.

    dress code smart casual. Smart Casual Dress Code
  • Smart Casual Dress Code

  • ratzzo
    Apr 27, 07:20 PM
    What an amazing piece of machinery this will be. I am looking forward to acquiring the 27" "low" end.. which will surely last for years given their specs. The only downside would be the lack of SSD but that's understandable given their price/GB. Nevertheless, these iMacs will be blazing fast and a joy to operate.

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  • Smart Casual cartoon 3

  • mklos
    Dec 3, 09:56 AM
    Router, firewall I feel OK.

    I hate to tell you this, but they are really no help when it comes to spyware. I don't know what you were referring to there, but with adware/spyware they won't help you one bit. Adware comes mostly through port 80, which is the port the internet comes through. So if you want, you can set your router/firewall to block port 80, but then you don't have any internet.

    That being said, someone could figure out how to get around a firewall. As with any software based firewall, there are vulnerabilities in it, even the OS X one. A router (hardware based), well, thats a little different.

    But there are things Apple could do to make OS X more secure. Hopefully Leopard will patch a bunch of holes and make it even harder for adware and anything else to get in. Then release patches for Panther/Tiger. They've done this in the past with Tiger security enhancements and then releasing a patch for Panther.

    I believe SecurityWorks (or whatever they're called), works with Apple now instead of against them to aid in finding "holes" in the system. This is the way it should be. They should be hiring people/companies to find holes in the OS and to report them exclusively to Apple ONLY so they can be fixed.

    We Mac users are way to secure with ourselves and one day its going to bite us in the butt bigtime. A lot of us throw the talk to the hand up when OS X starts getting bashed about its insecurity. This is a bad thing and some of us need to shape up. These very people will be the first to bitch and complain about their Mac getting spyware and/or viruses when it happens. And of course, its all Apple's fault!

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  • boncellis
    Jul 24, 04:22 PM
    I really hope that this mouse can better distinguish between a right and left click than the wired MM.

    Amen to that. I've been less than impressed with the wired version so far. I think Apple should break down and put two buttons on it.

    I love my BT mouse, I don't mind hitting the CTRL button that much.


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  • smart casual dress code.

  • uv23
    Oct 24, 07:58 AM
    Yay! Great range of updates considering the price hasn't changed. I've officially given upon ever seeing a 13" MBP so I'll be picking up the high end 15" very soon.

    Slightly off-topic: does anyone have an opinion on getting software (in this case logic express) preinstalled? Is there any benefit or would it be better to just buy the app seperately?

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  • their company#39;s dress code

  • timerollson
    Nov 8, 09:50 AM
    I keep having the money to buy this but end up purchasing something else like Fall/Winter clothes LOL. A PS3 won't keep my warm in Boston.

    or this:

    Haven't had a camera since a Canon SD630 (no longer in my possession).

    dress code smart casual. The dress code for the Club
  • The dress code for the Club

  • ohaithar
    Sep 16, 10:51 PM
    And my gf bought me this flannel

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  • Eldiablojoe
    Apr 26, 11:26 PM
    How did I become Plutonius' most-likely-a-ww vote on the very first day? I've been a WW before, and a Special before, making me anything but a Villager would be pretty obvious.

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  • manu chao
    May 3, 08:16 AM
    Is it easy for us to install an SSD by ourselves? (I'm not a geek)
    You need some strong suction cups to remove the screen (the whole back chassis is one piece, the only access is via the screen) and more importantly a dust-free environment, otherwise when you put the screen back on (or rather the glass pane in front of the actual screen) you can easily trap dust between the glass and the monitor.
    The difficult thing is the dust-free environment.

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  • daneoni
    May 1, 10:04 PM
    Every dog has it's day. Still doesn't mean it's over though.

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  • casual jpg smart casual dress

  • oblomow
    Apr 1, 01:18 AM
    It is April on the International Dateline.

    Welcome to Photo of the Day. The POTD thread was started by iGary, and first posted in May, 2006 It was converted to a monthly thread in November 2007 by Arn. POTD is one of the most popular picture groups on MacRumors and often exceeds 500 posts and 20,000 views per month.

    Photo of the Day is intended to be a showcase for your best pictures. There is no limit to your gear, just your imagination. P&S and film cameras are welcome along with DSLRs. There are no themes like the Fortnightly Challenge and Weekly Contest. No winners (or losers) either.


    *One Photo per Day - Don't post multiple images in one message.

    *Quote with Thumbnails - If you quote an image that has tags, convert them to [timg] tags before replying. This will post your comment with a thumbnail and save space. Failure to [timg] in quotes is still a problem at this time. Help fix that.

    *Multi-Quote - To comment on several photos, click the Multi-Quote button. This puts all your comments in one post. The Moderators like that. Observe the [timg] policy here, too (especially).

    *SFW (Safe for Work) only - This is a site - wide rule. If you wouldn't show it in a public place, then it's NSFW (not safe for work). Think before you post.

    Optional - Describe your photo.Tell what it is and where you took it. If you know the EXIF data of a photo, include it. The following EXIF fields are recommended: Camera; ISO; Focal Length; Shutter/Aperture; Lens.

    If you need any help with posting, try one of these tutorials.

    Using the Quote Button (https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B1nHFOBDdle8OWExYmRjNTgtYTU4NC00MjA5LWIxOTgtMjIxMTc0OTlkODU5&hl=en)

    Using the Multi-Quote Button (https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B1nHFOBDdle8YTBkNjUyN2MtNDZjNy00MjU3LWFmNDItM2JkZjMxMTBkYmZi&hl=en)

    Using the Edit Button (https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B1nHFOBDdle8OWEzYmVmMTUtOTcyNS00MGY1LWJlMDMtN2ZiZTdmMjcxMTYy&hl=en)

    Using Flickr to Host Photos (https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B1nHFOBDdle8NDc2OWQzMzAtNjFlZi00NzUyLWE1MDgtNDQxMzM4MWE0NTEy&hl=en&authkey=CN71wswI)

    Using ImageShack to Host Photos (https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B1nHFOBDdle8MzYzOWM2MTMtOTVhOS00YjMyLTgxMWUtNTg5ODNkYTZjNDI3&hl=en)

    For one-click access, they are all here: Dale's Google Docs Folder (https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B1nHFOBDdle8M2IwZmQwOTktNjA5Ni00NDg1LWFkNDUtYTEzYjM1ZDQyZDdh&hl=en)



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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 13, 05:26 AM
    As far as I remember, iPhone 4 still is smaller, has better battery life and screen resolution than comparable Android phones. What specs do you mean?

    Better notifications - yes. File system - never, it's an archaic way of user file management, it's only suitable for OS internal usage and should never be exposed to end user. I agree that there should be better way of managing documents and media in iOS, but it should NOT be any crap like a "file system". And Apple will only implement it when they invent something cool, they will never allow crap on their devices.
    Widgets and personalization - not needed. Only nerd losers stare at their OS, being unable to find any better way to spend their pathetic empty life with no purpose. Normal people never see OS screen for more than 0.5 seconds - the time it takes to lauch required app. No one needs personalizing something that you don't even look at.
    5 & 6 are already available.

    Waiting for you to change the tone when Apple comes out with widgets and custom personalization.

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  • diamornte
    Apr 12, 11:04 AM
    omfg i am never going to buy apple products again because of this, how dare they, no way, the world is going to end


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  • a dress code, as #39;smart

  • firestarter
    May 1, 10:25 PM
    I expected your post to be something along this view ... can you source the fact he has little or nothing to do with Al-Queda?

    He's just re-stating the obvious.

    Al Quaeda isn't a tighly led organisation. It's a movement. Loosing a leader is of little concequence.

    USA Today analysis from a few years back (http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2009-06-07-al-qaeda_N.htm).

    dress code smart casual. Dress code: Smart casual - no
  • Dress code: Smart casual - no

  • Jetson
    Jul 11, 09:30 PM
    I read some of the reader comments at the end of that article. This "Argo" is just vaporware, yet people are saying they'd rush out and buy it.

    Other commenters got upset because someone pointed out how the "Argo" is an iPod ripoff. It IS a ripoff - you'd have to be as blind as a mole to not realize that Microsoft wouldn't have a clue of how to build this thing without copying the iPod. That's what Microsoft does - copy.

    Another thing Microsoft does well is to market a product as a loss leader - for years if necessary. Remember how they started giving away their IE browser and just buried poor Netscape. Microsoft has money to burn.

    Microsoft doesn't mind putting a piece of crap on the market. They know that the lemmings will buy anything with the MS logo on it. Then they will take years to iron out the bugs and end up with a fairly serviceable product. Not a great product, but one that works well enough for a world that follows the crowd.

    And why is Microsoft supposedly launching their "iPod killer"? Because they just can't stand the thought of Apple dominating the market that Apple built. Ballmer says they are going after this market because it's there. He says they want 90% of the market or nothing.

    Apr 1, 03:56 AM
    It's done on purpose because we've been used to backwards scrolling all these years. Why should a mouse's scroll wheel control the scroll bar, and not the page you want to scroll? When you think about it, it's kind of silly to add that extra layer of abstraction when you don't need it.

    Now it's been corrected - it takes almost no time to get used to it. Embrace it, and you'll be ok.

    Yes, you are right! It is more natural… And you can even deactivate it in the trackpad settings, as JLL said. Not bad! It is difficult to go back to Snow Leo, where the scrolling goes with the scroll bar. Anyway, I will keep both ways of scrolling. Makes my brain flexible :)

    Dec 2, 06:52 PM
    i'm already over it, in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter too much. if i were to be credited all the stuff over the years i should have been im sure id have 100s of thousands more points :(

    yeah i'm over it as well

    Apr 14, 09:22 AM
    Guys, which one should I get?

    I've been trying to score an iPad2 and now here comes the new ix.Mac.MarketingName, which sounds awesome! So between this and iPad2, ATV2, Air, MBP, iPhone, Mac Pro, Nano and iMac, what should I get?

    Mostly I would use this for web surfing and light photo editing, but it also needs to dry laundry and serve as daily transportation for my 8 mile commute. But, I'm worried the new ix.Mac.MarketingName requires Z-rated tires, which are quite expensive. I'm also curious whether, with the right apps, the ix.Mac.MarketingName can serve as a prophylactic or if it's better to have a dedicated device for that.

    So, whaddya think? What other ix.Mac.MarketingName rumors have you heard? :apple:

    Why would you want one? Apple is once again using outdated tech for ix.MMN�. The specs on everything else are so much better. And I'm so tired of the ix.MMN Closed Garden.

    Apr 25, 11:02 AM
    In all ways except plumbing, she's a woman.
    Are you mad enough to join in the beat down?

    Not that I don't appreciate your sentiment, but her pluming has been reported as female (unless you mean a womb?). Though yes, even if it wasn't it wouldn't change the fact that she's a woman

    People seem to be making all kinds of assumptions about this girl they've never met, it's ridiculous.

    Oct 20, 07:40 PM
    too bad they dont have a midrange tower with an i5 or i7

    yeah for real. but that iMac sure does seem nice