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Saturday, May 14, 2011

jonah falcon picture proof

jonah falcon picture proof. jonah falcon measured.
  • jonah falcon measured.

  • Alxvasqz12
    Jun 14, 06:09 PM
    no white iphone preorder at radioshack! i just called my local radio shack and they said they are only preordering black ones. i think apple is the only one :eek:

    jonah falcon picture proof. jonah falcon worlds biggest.
  • jonah falcon worlds biggest.

  • solvs
    Aug 27, 12:37 AM
    That $100 million that Apple just wasted on Creative could have meant new supercooled mobile G5's if it would have been pumped into IBM (Power.org).
    Ha! $100 million wouldn't come close to even paying for 1 factory to be built, let alone continued costs. I would have loved more PPC machines, but it is what it is, and the new Intel chips are pretty good. At least better than the crappy P4s they're replacing. The G4/5s could have been great, but IBM and Moto/Freescale dropped the ball, and would have continued to do so unless Apple spent somewhere more in the billions, not millions. Maybe not even then. It sucks that quality has gone down as costs have, but such is the nature of the beast. Hopefully something comes of all the complaints, and Apple can get it's act together as well as further find a way to drive down costs without becoming like Dell. I just had to deal with Dell support, and let me tell you, it was not fun.

    And for the record, they've been using the same somewhat standard PC parts for awhile now, minus their proprietary chipsets, which BTW are still proprietary.

    jonah falcon picture proof. First, Jonah#39;s pop sees a red
  • First, Jonah#39;s pop sees a red

  • aafuss1
    Aug 5, 11:40 PM
    I agree. In fact, I was going to post the same thing. I was all set to be disappointed by the keynote until I read a new Forbes article on the topic. They are expecting some pretty amazing things; things that will divert media attention away from Apple's embarrassing financial scandal.


    P.S. How about seamless MSN/Yahoo! Messenger support in iChat?\


    That would be good-as Microsoft and Yahoo have made the messegner software work with each other-Apple could partner with Yahoo for official protocol support in iChat in Leopard

    jonah falcon picture proof. jonah falcon proof.
  • jonah falcon proof.

  • Multimedia
    Jul 29, 07:03 PM
    this would be smart because as of right now the mac book pro doesnt WOW me over the macbook. Do you think the "core 3" will also have the same pin structure as the 2's?Core 3 is in 2009. Many things will be very different by then. You wouldn't want to upgrade a 2006 Mac in 2009.Not a chance in hell, give up the idea of upgrading your Mac already :rolleyes:

    The newer Meroms that are to come out Q2 2007 will be based off a completely new socket.With Santa Rosa to boot!

    jonah falcon picture proof. jonah falcon proof video.
  • jonah falcon proof video.

  • rovex
    Apr 11, 02:30 PM
    Does Arn write every single article on this forum?

    jonah falcon picture proof. jonah falcon proof.
  • jonah falcon proof.

  • backdraft
    Jul 29, 05:57 PM
    well I'd rather see a ppc update...

    jonah falcon picture proof. jonah falcon proof. proof that
  • jonah falcon proof. proof that

  • three
    Nov 12, 03:07 PM
    Here's the official release notice from Sony.


    as well as the car list and the track list.


    I'm disappointed the Bugatti Veyron is standard only, and not surprised there's no Porsches, since I believe the license to use Porsches are exclusive to EA, no other game from any company really has them. But, I am hoping that GT5 will be released on the 24th, for real this time, instead of being pushed back for the 40,000,001st time.

    Today was a great day for Gran Turismo news. The Mazda 3 (Axela) I drive in real life is on the game, and the tracks look nice.

    jonah falcon picture proof. jonah falcon proof. proof
  • jonah falcon proof. proof

  • cljmac
    Apr 7, 11:21 PM
    i talked to a friend of mine thats a GM of a bestbuy store. He or his regional manager didnt know why or who put the stop sell order
    on the ipads this morning. At 6pm they still didnt know why.
    The email only said dont sell new in the box ipad 2s, sell through
    your preorders and open items. no other instructions
    were given. i think they over sold there preorders at some locations.

    jonah falcon picture proof. jonah falcon picture proof.
  • jonah falcon picture proof.

  • SeaFox
    Jul 14, 08:12 PM
    I suspect they will choose one format over the other because all the systems (except potetially the MacPro) apple makes will only have one optical drive. Forcing them to choose a standard for media delivery.

    Maybe not... (http://www.eetimes.com/news/latest/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=190300953)

    jonah falcon picture proof. jonah falcon picture proof.
  • jonah falcon picture proof.

  • THX1139
    Sep 20, 02:39 AM
    Ah, a mature, intelligent, well reasoned reply.

    What did you expect? Didn't you look at his avatar? Cool, Homer is a member of Macrumors. :D

    jonah falcon picture proof. jonah falcon proof video.
  • jonah falcon proof video.

  • MacBoobsPro
    Nov 29, 03:14 AM
    Apple should ask for royalties for every song Universal produce! :D

    Or just drop Universal.

    jonah falcon picture proof. jonah falcon proof picture.
  • jonah falcon proof picture.

  • skunk
    Apr 28, 11:15 AM
    Excellent, Raid. I'll use that in PRSI. :D

    jonah falcon picture proof. jonah falcon proof. dj falcon
  • jonah falcon proof. dj falcon

  • Shananra
    Aug 6, 11:29 AM
    Does no one else think this event will only be about leopard? If they release any hardware, it's going to be the mac pro, and even that will only get five minutes of attention. (The xserves seem logical too because of what processors they are using) No other hardware, just leopard leopard leopard.

    Also, I don't see this as being as monumental of a release as everyone is making it out to be. There are some features that I would like to see implimented, but I'm not holding my breath. This is not to say that I'm being pessimistic, though.

    I think we will see some better game support, performance and security enhancements (for all the flaunting Apple has been doing about their security, they had better give us some security worth flaunting!), and something to do with bootcamp. (I still love the name!)

    Other minor things I'm expecting are the ability to put widgets on your desktop (without using some sort of "dev mode" like you do now), having multiple dashboards that can be assigned to different hotkeys, enhancements to most of the bundled apps ala the report from friday, and of course the updated finder.

    Oh, and finder. I don't think it will have tabs at all. Instead, I think your equivelant of tabs will appear in the left column, along side the favorite folders and drives. Notice how your harddrives/volumes is separated from your favorite places, picture a second separater there and below that your active folders. And for god's sake, give me a directory tree! :rolleyes:

    Vista doesn't concern me much, and it shouldn't concern Apple. Tiger still kicks Vista's ass up one side and down the other, then up the first side again for good measure. Has anyone else here tried the vista beta? It's such a pain to use, and I've been a windows user since DOS. I see no reason why Vista should be so... unintuitive other than to try and compete with OSX. If they don't do some serious rethinking on it, Apple will continue to enjoy quite a bit of growth. ;)

    jonah falcon picture proof. jonah falcon proof. falcon
  • jonah falcon proof. falcon

  • boshii
    Apr 11, 11:32 AM
    If it's been pushed that far back, LTE better be included.

    I can't imagine we see our first LTE iPhone in 2013.

    jonah falcon picture proof. jonah falcon proof photo.
  • jonah falcon proof photo.

  • CTMoore
    Apr 5, 06:46 PM
    As someone who's attended NAB yearly, (and again this year) Apple has not had a presence there since and currently are NOT on the exhibitor list for this years convention. Will take pics if I'm wrong though.

    jonah falcon picture proof. jonah-falcon-proof-pic
  • jonah-falcon-proof-pic

  • k995
    Mar 23, 04:07 AM
    I am not sure you are using "UI" correctly.

    I get the notification thing, but I keep seeing some people talking about the look of the interface of IOS being dated and I don't get it. It seems like a very young and inexperienced viewpoint. Wanting change solely for the sake of change. The UI for IOS works very well. I don't want it changed just because some people are bored of looking at it. This is something you realize as you get older and more experienced in life. Change just for the sake of change is not a great deal, most of the time.

    Perhaps you just dont have any experience with other UI's? That people jailbreak to specificly change certain parts of it shows there is something lacking.

    I upgraded my ipad to 4.3 and already am annoyed I lost a lot of ease in the UI because there isnt a unthered jailbreak avaible.

    Change for the sake of improved usability and function? I am all for it. Change of the UI just because they have used the same basic look for the UI for 5 years? No not really.

    Better notifications, different user profiles, better accesibility on settings, better multitasking, better start screen , more interactivity on the home screen,...

    Here I don't think you understand how "multitasking" works on IOS devices.

    It is not really possible to do a "lot" of multi-tasking. There are only a certain number of APIs that can be used concurrently. Having a bunch of apps listed in the fast task switcher is not multi-tasking and it does not require more ram.

    You dont seem to understand what he is saying.

    multitasking is being able to run different programs at the same time. The ipad 1 isnt really capable of this as it laks ram to hold those programs in memeory.

    Apple solution is a cripled form of multitasking. Certain task can be done in the background and even certain programs are allowed to run completly in the background yet this all has to be coded AND remains hampered by the lack of ram.

    Even in the browser you have trouble keeping open tabs as they constantly need to refresh as you switch as it runs out of memory.

    The problem is Android becomes the brand and all these hardware makers become a commodity. People who have an android phone look to get a new android phone. They don't look to get an upgrade to their current phone because no upgrade exists, because the hardware makers just come up with new dumb names for products six times a year.
    Thats a problem for those companies, not for the consumer. Strange your logic seems to stem from the apple point of view, not the consumer.

    If you don't like your battery life, you got a point. Perhaps you can just always have a long extension cord and then you got a real winner!

    So you really think an extra 256MB of ram would have destroyed the battery life on the ipad? Strange how it DOESNT do that on the iphone 4 or comparable tablets.

    If you got any source to back this up, post it otherwise its a myth like the "multitasking destroys battery life"

    At this point and time there are still no real competitors. There is one copycat device out there that is inferior, and a couple more potentially coming out soon... but nothing is guaranteed.

    You should perhaps look beyond macrumors, plenty out there and depending on the consumer some better other worse then the ipad 1 and 2 .

    I think the market clearly shows the iPhone is the best phone out there. There is no other phone that comes anywhere close to selling as much as the iPhone.
    And britney spears sold a lot of almbums at a time, so at that time she was "the best"? BS of course.

    The iphone is a very good iphone, but I personaly wouldnt want another to expensive for what it offers.

    The iPad is worse, and will pretty much stay that way as all of the competitors are just clones of the iPad, and they don't have the advantage of a protected Verizon environment to move their product. They will have to compete against the iPad 2 for every sale they make.

    Wich will be no different then for the iphone, and we both know within 2 years android outsold the iphone.

    jonah falcon picture proof. jonah falcon proof video.
  • jonah falcon proof video.

  • Yamcha
    Apr 19, 02:41 PM
    The First Commercial GUI
    Xerox's Star workstation was the first commercial implementation of the graphical user interface. The Star was introduced in 1981 and was the inspiration for the Mac and all the other GUIs that followed.

    jonah falcon picture proof. Jonah falcon proof - Notre
  • Jonah falcon proof - Notre

  • mobilehavoc
    Apr 6, 02:00 PM
    Nice...I'm glad to have a more rare piece of hardware. I love mine and have no issues, it'll only get better over time.Reminds me of the days of the RAZR, that's what the iPhone and iPad have become.

    Honda sells a TON more cars than BMW by a huge factor...I'd rather drive a BMW, I guess you're all happy with the Hondas :)

    jonah falcon picture proof. jonah falcon proof pic.
  • jonah falcon proof pic.

  • Gugulino
    Apr 6, 04:17 AM
    Looking for some controversy are we?!!! :rolleyes:

    No, I really think that iMovie is a good example of video-editing software. Did Apple changed FCP's look and feel in the last few years? No! It is outdated, that you have to admit for sure. iMovie has a far more modern UI, which should be adopted by FCP somehow. I didn't mean FCP should lose all its Pro-features. FCP could also adopt the easy way of handling your footage: In iMovie I see what I shot and can quickly add clips to the project without setting in and out points manually. And what about the precision-editor? For one project I abandoned FCP just because it has no precision editor.
    I think FCP could learn a lot from iMovie. And if the same man, who created iMovie, is also the chief of the Final Cut Studio Developer Team, it will happen!

    Sep 19, 09:16 PM
    well they're working through a pretty active period right now, what with the major architecture change. It'll sorta taper out a bit in a while, and so the next 'big thing' besides more cores will be 45nm, followed by the Common System Interface for the Xeons in '08.

    Apr 11, 03:20 PM
    Key component supplier? Who?

    The A5 chip already being delivered.
    Qualcomm chips already being delivered.
    Camera parts from Sony. (if true)
    If they are staying with the same screen size, LG is already delivering those too.
    If not, that's the only part which Apple needs more time testing? For gods sake it's only a bigger screen...

    Total BS story IMO

    Sep 19, 12:01 PM
    So the Apple crew is simply waiting on marketing until they release these new laptops? Exactly how much marketing needs to go into a slight update? I understand that these are 64-bit processors but the average consumer has no clue what that means to begin with. Waiting for the marketing crew seems really strange to me, should they have not already been ready for this transition by now? Just make a box on the front page that has a picture of a MBP and let it say "the fastest just got faster" or something.

    Yeah, what kind of marketing have they done for the new iMacs? What did they need to do before they pushed it out? If C2D MBP's are just sitting there ready to head out, why is marketting sitting on their hands?

    Apr 27, 07:58 AM
    A "bug" right? ;)

    Jul 14, 11:26 PM
    How would you burn two DVDs at once Eldorian? I don't know of any software that lets you do this do you? :confused:

    I agree it would be nice. But I can't imagine how.
    Here (http://www.ntius.com/default.asp?p=dragonburn/dburn4_main) you go.

    Dragon Burn enables Mac desktop and PowerBook notebook computer users to quickly and easily begin producing audio, data, mixed-mode CDs, and DVDs. Dragon Burn's Multi-Burning engine allows users to simultaneously write multiple CDs or DVDs. It also fully supports the newest internal and external drives, including 16x DVD-R drives.