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Thursday, May 19, 2011

selena gomez bikini kissing justin bieber

selena gomez bikini kissing justin bieber. Justin Bieber amp; Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber amp; Selena Gomez

  • takao
    Mar 1, 03:52 PM
    and VW with their darn PumpeD�se engines sure didn't help ... the PD concept was always good for saving fuel but those engines could have easily put into a tractor pulling contest

    today IMHO the german carmaker diesels are leading the way only in fuel usage and torque ratings. In regards to emissions & noise/smooth running the french (PSA) and Fiat have very likely taken over

    and yeah it has mostly has to do with trucks using the diesel engines.. because you know even her in europe those trucks are smelly and noisy ... even if yourself are driving in a diesel behind them ;)

    selena gomez bikini kissing justin bieber. Justin Bieber amp; Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber amp; Selena Gomez

  • syklee26
    Sep 7, 10:22 AM
    order it from newegg! $20 cheaper


    or get the family pack. only $45 more than what apple wants for the cheap single license haha


    i don't think buying family pack for .Mac gives you 5 licenses. i think it's more like spliting one .mac account to 5.

    selena gomez bikini kissing justin bieber. selena gomez bikini kissing
  • selena gomez bikini kissing

  • BRLawyer
    Aug 26, 05:14 AM
    ...also known as The New Form-Factor Conroe Mini-Tower/Pizza-Box!

    The problem with the all-in-one form factor of the iMacIntel is that when the LCD dies - you have a good computer that you can't use. And if the computer dies - you have a good screen that you can't use.

    Or, more likely, when the computer is obsolete you have a good screen that you can't use.

    Apple needs something between the horribly constrained MiniMac, and the preposterously huge ProMac.

    A Conroe (64-bit, single-socket, dual-core) system would fit the bill.... When will The Steve see the light?

    A better question is: when does the LCD OR the computer die, especially in the case of Macs? I would say never...

    selena gomez bikini kissing justin bieber. selena gomez bikini kissing
  • selena gomez bikini kissing

  • JoEw
    Jun 22, 05:07 PM
    touch screen is usefull for mobile devices because you don't have any place to put a screen, mouse and keyboard. But desktops you have room for keyboard and mic so i don't see this happening in imacs.

    Steve said a D8, he believes that there will always be a place for desktops but a majority of our tasks will be done from tablets or mobile devices that are touch screen enabled.

    And there are just some things that require keyboard and mice! steve acknowledges that and so does the rest of the world.

    selena gomez bikini kissing justin bieber. Selena Gomez in a Bikini with
  • Selena Gomez in a Bikini with

  • fastlane1588
    Sep 5, 08:37 AM
    come on mbp!

    selena gomez bikini kissing justin bieber. Justin Bieber amp; Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber amp; Selena Gomez

  • kalisphoenix
    Jul 20, 01:42 AM
    You are probably nursing those MS shares you bought at $90, hoping for a better day. It is not coming anytime soon sorry to say. Buying is about momentum. Apple has it and MS does not. Vista already has a great deal of bad press and it has not even hit the street. eWeek and other journals are already writing about Vista security vulnerabilities. That is not a good sign. Vista features and functionality has been scaled back numerous times. That too is not a good sign.

    Vista will sell more copies in its first two weeks than Leopard in its first year. As several hundred thousand years of humanity have demonstrated, rhyme and reason matters little.

    Who would have imagined that the common view. amongst the informed computer community, was MS was trying desperately to draw close to even-up with Apple? About the time MS established Windows 2000, they were at the top of the computer world in just about every SW market there was.

    ....and they still are. The anti-Apple and anti-Linux advertising games are defense, not offense.

    They finally had a very stable desktop, server platform, mail server, yellow pages, browser, office suite, SQL engine, and so on. But once they reached this pinnacle, two things happened (or at least two I want to talk about). One, they became way too greedy with their predatory licensing. It just went through the roof. If you have never purchased SW at the enterprise level, you do not understand how expensive this has become. SW can cost (at least) as much HW at the enterprise level.

    No doubt, but I don't see businesses exactly fleeing in droves.

    The second thing that happened at MS is best described in a quote "When Alexander looked at his empire, he wept for there was nothing more to conquer." Instead of continuing on the path of R&D, they tried to find "new worlds to conquer", secure in the knowledge they had indeed subdued all competitors who could challenge them. Sun had tried to mount a charge in the early-mid 90's. Fortunately for MS, Sun's CEO lacked the wherewithal to do more than file lawsuits. Linux suffers from the exact problems that have plagued the Unix community; they cannot unify because they have no leadership.

    Sun's ailments are a lot more complicated than that, as are SGI's. Most of their problem is that their workstation prices make Apple's seem like bargain-bin deals.

    Gah. The Linux community doesn't want to unify. In fact, not unifying is the core of their philosophy. The vast majority of Linux users (ie, non-n00bs) don't really give a crap about mass adoption of Linux. Many even view such a possibility with horror and disgust. The only priority is choice. It's why there are 415 distributions (none of which are compatible with each other), 9,843 window managers (none of which have remotely similar configuration options), and 3.43x10^15 terminal emulators (none of which actually emulate terminals any better or worse than any other one).

    Waving the "king of the OS hill" prize in front of a bunch of Linux users/developers will only result in them staring at you like a dog that's been shown a card trick. With very few exceptions, only n00bs (and uncomprehending businessmen who think they can somehow profit) want mass adoption of Linux.

    selena gomez bikini kissing justin bieber. selena gomez bikini kissing.
  • selena gomez bikini kissing.

  • richardsim7
    Mar 22, 04:40 PM
    Yeah but are they going to improve the quality? The DAC on the iPod Classic is bloody terrible! It makes me sad :(

    selena gomez bikini kissing justin bieber. selena gomez bikini kissing
  • selena gomez bikini kissing

  • razzmatazz
    Aug 6, 11:43 PM
    Ok - I've been into Macs for a couple years now, so I don't have the history with the company of many of you do.

    That said, it seems to me that with these ads or banners for Leopard, that it is closer to being released than we all might think. Has Apple promoted a product this way -- bashing M$ -- with out releasing the product soon after?

    To me it just seems like real strong words to use if Leopard wont be out for a while, esp. if it will only be released around the time Vista will be next year.

    Anyone know what I mean, or feel the same way?

    They did they same thing when introducing Tiger...say things like "Redmond we have a problem" or "Introducing Longhorn"

    I don't think you'll be seeing Leopard till end of this year to beginning of next year

    Edit: Look at the pics above this post :-)

    selena gomez bikini kissing justin bieber. Justin Bieber amp; Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber amp; Selena Gomez

  • gr8whtd0pe
    Nov 25, 11:31 AM


    selena gomez bikini kissing justin bieber. +ikini+kissing+justin+
  • +ikini+kissing+justin+

  • HecubusPro
    Aug 29, 05:42 PM
    Amen to that. I give this about as much credibility as an apple rumor scrawled in sharpie on a gas station toilet stall.

    Huh? What happened there? Didn't Think Secret used to be the place to go for the most accurate rumors? I definitely trust macrumors and appleinsider a lot more than think secret now though.

    selena gomez bikini kissing justin bieber. Justin Bieber amp; Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber amp; Selena Gomez

  • Proud Liberal
    Aug 16, 09:54 AM
    I have no interest in downloading music on the go or waving around my songs wirelessly.

    How about an iPod where we actually increase the quality of audio instead of compromising how everything sounds for the "latest" features. Now we put in even more weak audio components to make up for the lack of power because of a wireless feature.


    How about an iPod with increased capacity so that we can actually increase the quality of the audio instead of compromising how everything sounds for the "latest" features.

    selena gomez bikini kissing justin bieber. Justin Bieber amp; Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber amp; Selena Gomez

  • Big-TDI-Guy
    Mar 4, 07:25 PM
    I will be devastated on the day that my 2002 Golf TDI dies. 50mpg - I drive the hell out of it - I'm a HUGE guy and it's comfy. Oh yeah, and I can fit a full sized washing machine inside the hatch. (or a 50" plasma TV, for that matter)

    My favorite memory to date with this car, pulling into a gas station (with a new washing machine in the back, of course) and watching the owner of a Jeep Grand Cherokee have a fit about how he can't fit one inside his...

    And then I told him my average MPG. :D

    selena gomez bikini kissing justin bieber. Selena in a blue ikini,
  • Selena in a blue ikini,

  • hellomoto4
    Apr 1, 12:32 AM
    New mute image: http://cl.ly/5gHn

    selena gomez bikini kissing justin bieber. selena gomez bikini kissing
  • selena gomez bikini kissing

  • zioxide
    Jan 12, 11:28 AM
    are you kidding me?

    Macbook Air?


    There's no way Apple would ever call something that.

    selena gomez bikini kissing justin bieber. selena gomez kissing justin
  • selena gomez kissing justin

  • gazfocus
    Jan 11, 06:47 PM
    I think the comments about aluminium being too expensive, etc, are rediculous.

    Apple use Aluminium in the new iMacs and those prices didn't increase. Also as has been said before, Aluminium is more environmentally friendly, and there is currently alot of pressure on Apple to be "greener".

    I think it is possible to gave an all aluminium line up whilst still having a clear divide between consumer and pro products. Pro products always have higher specs, more BTO options, and larder screens/higher resolutions.

    Personally, if Apple come up with an Aluminium Macbook, I'll certainly be buying one to use as well as my new Macbook pro (regardless of whether it has a built in optical drive or not), although, I'm not convinced the removal of the optical drive would be featured in the consumer line up.

    selena gomez bikini kissing justin bieber. selena gomez kissing justin
  • selena gomez kissing justin

  • BillyBobBongo
    Nov 28, 11:28 AM
    Just got back from Mexico and during my time there had a run in with the local police. This is common as hire cars have different colour number plates so the police can easily pick you out of a crowd. Apparently we were 'speeding'. It's all fun and games though. I got the fine down from about $400 US to 1000 pesos. We were warned this would happen when we arrived and should just look at it as an extra 'toll'. I could have probably got it down lower but it was hot and we had a long way to go still.

    At the end of the negotiation you get a form to sign with how much you paid and then you have to sign your name. The document is cleary made in something like Word and it's in no way official....I signed it Ben T Copper! :p

    selena gomez bikini kissing justin bieber. selena gomez kissing justin
  • selena gomez kissing justin

  • mrgreen4242
    Sep 6, 01:49 PM
    Terrified to see that my MBP's 1.83 Ghz Core Duo is now in Apple's lowest line of computers... It does what I need it to, but it must be worth half the value it was 6 months ago ($1,999.99). Even more terrified that my ex got a black MB that has a better processor then mine. And she only uses it for papers and chatting! :eek:

    Welcome to the world of Intel Macs. Tech is going to be moving much faster now... at least you have a real GPU.

    selena gomez bikini kissing justin bieber. selena gomez bikini kissing
  • selena gomez bikini kissing

  • RichardBeer
    Mar 24, 01:09 PM
    I would love to see more cards supported off the shelf offering a wider choice of upgrade and gpu options. Although I'd be then concerned with the effect it may have on the integrated optimized nature of OS X and the hardware.

    Would be nice to Nvidia being supported as well. If for some reason you wish to run Linux on your mac and you have an ATI card you are at a disadvantage as ATI make crap linux drivers.

    selena gomez bikini kissing justin bieber. Justin Bieber amp; Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber amp; Selena Gomez

  • kalsta
    May 2, 11:05 PM
    I'm glad Apple is thinking for themselves and leaving the purists behind as they adopt newer, better ways of doing things. The idea of installing from a disc image is ridiculous. Anyone I've explained it to can understand it, but always mention there must be a better way. "Install" is much better than launching a disc image, opening an applications window, and then dragging the icon over to the other window.

    Fair comment. Disk images and dragging apps into the application folder makes sense to me, but I can see how it might confuse new users. (I like the control of where I put my apps. For instance, when I am testing various trial apps I prefer to put them in categorised folders rather than litter my application folder with apps I may never use again or even remember what they do.)

    Pre- App Store we typically had this or a drawn out installation wizard, but nothing in-between. Why not a simple one window installer that offers to place the self-contained app package in the application folder by default? It could have an advanced button for more options, but keep it ultra simple and fast for most users.

    May 2, 05:00 PM
    …or hold down the "Option" key and click away…

    I've been using this - AppCleaner (http://www.freemacsoft.net/)

    Better one, CleanMyMac (http://macpaw.com/)

    Manage Plugins/Extensions, intelligent uninstaller, automatic device cleanup, cache cleaner, logs cleaner, language cleaner, remove unneeded binary files (PowerPC code mostly, shrinks app sizes and improves launch time), searches and removes leftover files from removed apps not cleaned by CleanMyMac, quick erase, clean out app system junk to improve performance, empty trash from app's that have self-contained trash bins (such as iPhoto), and a lot more. Great app (god I sound like a commercial! lol)

    Aug 16, 07:47 AM
    I really want a wii.

    I really wish Nintendo had thought harder about that name.

    Then again I should be thankful they didn't call it the Puu.



    Aug 29, 10:17 AM

    It looks like the GMA X3000 is ready to go now

    GMA X3000 is ready in the soon to ship G965 for Conroe desktops, but the mobile GM965 "Santa Rosa" for Merom isn't due until March 2007. GM965 also features "Robson" flash technology. New Meroms also arrive in March with the same clock speed but 800MHz system bus.

    Sep 6, 08:59 AM
    Maybe i am alone on this one....

    I think the 24" iMac G5 is the beginning of the end of the G5 iMac. We all watched as the outstanding G4 iMac grew from a 15" to a 17" and finally to 20". While the stunning design remained the same, the 20" just didn't look as good as the 2 previous models. The proportions were wrong and it looked top-heavy.

    I am sitting in front of an original 23" Apple Display (plastic rather than aluminium). The new iMac cannot be much smaller than it. I firmly believe that the 24" will be, and should be, as big as it gets. I just hope that heat doesn't become a problem with the Core 2 Duo chips else the G5 iMac may have to evolve into a new enclosure.

    Anyone else have thoughts similar?

    What do you mean by "G5"??? PowerPC is long gone from Macs.

    Jul 18, 06:45 AM
    I don't think the time is right for online digital movie rentals. Even with a relatively fast broadband service, it still is going to take a fair amount of time to download the file. If the file only plays once, or just for a day, or a few days it's just not worth the effort, IMO.

    I agree with respect to downloads-- but I think this is going to be streaming. Did you ever try the frontrow movie trailers? (before Apple let it go dead in January or so-- it was a beta test, I'm sure) Even with a hacked version on my ibook, the trailers were instantaneous and high quality. I think that's how these are going to be rented-- you'll have either a period of time you can stream (preferable) or a number of times you can stream before losing the rights.

    EDIT: Poster below me is 100% correct-- this is about ipods; they'll have to sell downloads for those and they wont be anything like DVD quality.