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Thursday, May 19, 2011

justin bieber is gay wallpaper

justin bieber is gay wallpaper. is justin bieber gay or not.
  • is justin bieber gay or not.

  • scottlinux
    Nov 27, 01:32 PM
    Many find two 17" LCDs more useful than one big LCD. Esp graphic artists, film composers, etc. They can have their tools/mixer open on one monitor, and the image or sequence open on another.

    Or if someone already has a big LCD, it would be a good compliment to put a 17" alongside it.

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  • i love justin bieber wallpaper

  • shawnce
    Aug 25, 12:07 PM
    I've seen 50� C from Conroe under full load. That's a lot lower then the 75� C on my iMac G5. CPU temp is a result of how efficient the heat dissipation is relative to the heat generated by the CPU... so without knowing how the heat dissipation capabilities varied between the two systems you cannot make much of a judgement on the CPU itself. (you would need the same case, same cooling system, same work load, etc. to make such a comparison)

    The first generation iMac G5 had worse heat dissipating capabilities then later revisions of the iMac G5.

    Should also note that the temp sensors are also potentially measuring at different points along the thermal chain (not looked into that myself).

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  • Zic
    Oct 23, 06:06 PM
    I know you will see that I've never posted before, so anything I say will probably be taken with a grain of salt. I don't blame you for not believing me, every Tuesday I am let down with all of you. If I am lying you can ban me from this forum, for whatever it's worth, I promise what I'm telling you is the truth. I see you guys are as antsy as I am about this update.

    I know a person that works at an Apple Store as an inventory control specialist - I asked him back in July to tell me before hand if he knew when the Merom MacBook Pro was coming out. Today I got a text message from him saying, "(dan's) laptop might be coming out tomorrow." However, he thinks it's only a 15''.

    Something is definitely planned to come out tomorrow. I know it's not concrete, but it gives me hope. I figured I would share.

    I'm hoping he is wrong about the 15'' thing, I wanted a 17''. Either way, I'll take what I can get. I've been waitng too long.

    Could he (your contact in the AS) have been anymore vague? Could it not simply be that he frequents the same websites we all do and noticed the increased MMBP chatter, or that his colleagues or perhaps the customers have brought the subject up. It doesn't take an "inventory control specialist" working in an Apple store to make that sort of prediction, these forums alone are proof of that.

    I'm not saying you're making it all up, it's just I would have thought someone in a position like that would be able to provide some substance to backup such claims.

    I, like the majority (and despite my scepticism), hope he's right though.

    justin bieber is gay wallpaper. justin bieber is gay or not.
  • justin bieber is gay or not.

  • mc68k
    Jan 7, 01:46 PM
    my 2003 540i M Wagon. upgraded w afe intake and remus exhaust. custom catback piping + resonator delete. stock 290HP/320torque :) 92K miles. next mod is prob full aluminum radiator + electric fan. i heard the cooling system starts degrading around 100K. got the water pump (replaced OEM plastic w metal impeller) and hoses done when i first bought it
    took on a 3200mi road trip last year-- really fun on the highway and surprisingly gets good highway mileage
    http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/2327/img0209ed.th.jpg (http://img89.imageshack.us/i/img0209ed.jpg/)
    http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/7297/img0210uy.th.jpg (http://img153.imageshack.us/i/img0210uy.jpg/)
    http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/5186/img0211g.th.jpg (http://img716.imageshack.us/i/img0211g.jpg/)
    http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/998/img0213gu.th.jpg (http://img404.imageshack.us/i/img0213gu.jpg/)
    http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/1771/img0252vm.th.jpg (http://img819.imageshack.us/i/img0252vm.jpg/)
    http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/9484/img0253sy.th.jpg (http://img402.imageshack.us/i/img0253sy.jpg/)
    daily driver is a 97 lumina

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  • skunk
    Mar 27, 01:33 PM
    Well some people think that's debatable ;).

    It was a trap...:)

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  • CplBadboy
    Apr 19, 01:16 PM

    The news Ive been waiting for and not a blinking boring update to the iPhone being white. Maxed out iMac here we come. Its been long time coming. Happy Chappy:D

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  • kiljoy616
    Sep 14, 10:59 AM
    When will it stop??

    When Iphone 5 comes out, :rolleyes: .

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  • NeuralControl
    Jan 23, 10:58 PM
    My Baby

    Is that the 2011 or 2010? How is it treating you so far? Looks amazing.

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  • Justin Bieber Is Gay

  • poppe
    Jul 14, 11:39 AM
    Can I purchase a Holographic disc?

    Nope not at my local BestBuy, I guess that makes it pretty hard to include. Wait... does anyone have a holographic disc.... nope ... no manufacturer.... not even researchers.... so I guess that means the timeframe for the device... is slated release with Vista or about 10 yrs from now.... which means it doesn't have a greater potential within a timeframe.
    Can I get a Dual Layer BR? No. When can I get that? Probably around the same time Holographic is released. End of the year or beggining of 2007

    Acctually as stated before Holographic is supposed to be released at the end of the year.

    The true problem with Hologrpahic is we don't have big ole sony or the HD-DVD companies backing it up. Its just one company... so from what I've read they said they will wait and perfect it for the pros first and later come at the consumer.

    On potential... Beta had all the Potential and was a better player. I can't remember how that worked out? would you explain?

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  • iDAG
    Jan 11, 07:57 PM
    added a line to the article...

    "- It will be called the MacBook Air"


    Maybe it would be called the AirMac. That would be an interesting name instead of the MacBook Air.

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  • cleanup
    Nov 27, 03:11 PM
    My god, the dog with the goggles is right! I think I like him just as much as the donkey astronaut.

    Oh, another set of these:


    Stop buying things for yourself! 'Tis the season of giving, you know.

    justin bieber is gay wallpaper. Is+justin+ieber+gay+or+
  • Is+justin+ieber+gay+or+

  • Bengt77
    Sep 1, 01:32 PM
    **THIS IS NOT A RUMOR** There will be a new iMac with Merom and probably 23". Sounds like it will be a 2.33 ghz but not sure.
    Aw, man! I was sooooo ready to shell out for a new 23" iMac, might it come out. But now it's on the verge of actually doing so, I'm starting to get greatly mostly underwhelmed by the rumours. Merom? What? I want a Conroe, at least in the 23" top model. And 2,33GHz? The Conroe goes way up to 2,93GHz. I'm sure the Merom line goes higher than 2,33GHz...

    Bleh... maybe I should wait for the rumoured headless iMac. Maybe that machine actually will come with a Conroe.

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  • ikir
    May 3, 12:49 AM
    Very handy!

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  • is justin bieber gay pictures.

  • mcarnes
    Jul 18, 01:44 AM
    If I'm going to spend all that time downloading a movie, I should at least be able to keep it. Bah.

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  • thejadedmonkey
    Jul 14, 01:10 AM
    You won't see a blu-ray or HD-DVD burner in a Laptop (erm, notebook) for some time. Why? Simple; the battery would drain before it could burn a full disk.

    We'll have to wait for at least 4x burning, probably a lot more though, before we see em in laptops.

    and Wireless "N"? psh, I'm still using "B".

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  • Justin Bieber Wallpapers

  • aristotle
    Apr 2, 11:41 PM
    Great concept, I love it. But it was poorly executed. Who picked the music for this ad? It's terrible. And the voiceover is on the verge of creepy.

    I miss old Apple ads. Their advertising is going downhill while their products keep getting better.
    Dude, the people who think everything is "creepy" are usually creepy themselves. I'm not trying to antagonize you but it is just an observation of mine that I've seen so often. It is all about self esteem and redirection on someone or something else. People who are happy with themselves don't go out of their way to put people or things down. I'm just a little sick and tired of the fad to overuse words like "creepy" so that they begin to lose all meaning. It does not make so seem "cool" in my eyes.

    I've seen teens who were awkward and odd looking who used "creepy" a lot whereas those with self confidence just lived their lives instead of trying to label strangers walking by minding their own business.

    I'll "believe" when they fix the currently unresolved and widespread quality control issues...light bleed on virtually every unit and blemishes, dents and scratches on units straight out of the box.

    Fix those issues, Apple, and then I will "believe" enough to get an iPad 2.
    That's funny. There was no bleed, blemishes, dents or scratches on my iPad 2 when I took it out of the box.

    Are you sure that are not talking to people who are getting "returns" as "new"?

    Back on topic, I loved the part with the plucked strings. With the angle they used and the responsiveness it seemed as if it was 3 dimensional.

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  • Spica
    Sep 7, 09:55 AM
    I just bought a brand new core solo from a reseller 4 days ago!!! Is there any remedy for me?

    This sucks.

    justin bieber is gay wallpaper. JUSTIN BIEBER WALLPAPER 2009

  • mc68k
    Nov 19, 01:16 PM
    man i wonder how many watts it runs at full load


    ^ this thread has some diff opinions on the PS wattage, some ppl saying 1KW some saying 1.5KW

    justin bieber is gay wallpaper. justin bieber wallpaper
  • justin bieber wallpaper

  • mccldwll
    Apr 25, 07:36 AM
    Apple hackers develop better jailbreaks now so they can keep up with the superior system Android has.

    There's so much more one can do with Android.

    After having every iPhone, I tried Android and I'm so amazed at their great capabilities.

    Android is awesome.

    That said my Iphone 4 is best as an iPod replacement.

    I have the best of both worlds.

    Don't believe a word this troll posts. Not even a good liar. Here's its first post--from about 2 weeks ago!

    " Apr 8, 01:55 PM * #1
    macrumors 6502
    Join Date: Apr 2011
    Location: Western Hemisphere
    Please Help with OS versions MBP & iPhone 4
    Just switched from PC to Mac

    Bought a new 2010 MBP with 10.6.4, and a new iPhone 4 with 4.3.x

    I've been using the computer for about five months, but the iPhone just arrived right now, and I haven't even unpacked it yet when a question came to mind.


    May I sync the new iPhone to iTunes for the Initial Setup WITHOUT updating OS X on my MBP?

    I prefer NOT to just yet, since the computer is running perfectly and I'm still getting accustomed to it.

    I'm also not ready to have the Mac App Store installed until I get familiar with the rest of this change from PC to Mac.

    Thanks "

    Apr 8, 07:39 PM
    ya i know but i was talking about when i put:

    It's just time for us to be mature adults and walk away from this. We know this guy is an ignoramus. We know Apple doesn't need saving. We know that as far as corporations go Apple couldn't be much healthier. We know what Apple's target market is, and that a cheap computer won't accomplish anything. Most importantly, we know we won't change iMacjapan's mind. He's stubborn and he's not listening. Why risk carpal tunnel on it? How about those NHL playoffs? I predict San Jose will take the Blues in 6 games.

    Sep 1, 03:09 PM
    You can already play your Xbox 360 on your iMac, just not in high def. Buy an EyeTV TV adapter that has the game mode, and you can play that way. The best input available on there is an Svideo connection, so you want get HD, but it's still a pretty crisp picture.

    well i knew i could go this route but 360 is about HD. playing 360 on s-video connection is like wearing Armani suit with footlocker T-shirt inside or playing blu-ray on 13 inch CRT

    Sep 1, 12:47 PM
    23" Imac is a great size. Add HD resolution then that's great.
    I would love to see dual display support. But I highly doubt they will allow it. Apple wants to make sure there is a distinction between their consumer and pro line. It would be cool to have the Imac 23" with a 23" Cinema display next to it.

    Mar 20, 06:15 PM
    But like homeopathy religion can achieve positive things too.

    What does homeopathy achieve?
    You can't even test homeopathy scientifically against a placebo because the placebo would be identical to the remedy!

    Feb 8, 07:51 AM
    congrats to lyzardking for 6 million points!


    Never thought I'd ever get to this point when I started folding (almost) 4 years ago
