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Thursday, May 19, 2011

jesus resurrection wallpaper

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  • free jesus christ Jesus

  • rtdgoldfish
    Apr 16, 08:47 AM
    From my original post:

    Funny thing out of all of this: I had a set of Monster Cables for the 360 which force the system to run in HD. Whoever took it will have a nice surprise when they get it home and find out they can't run it on their SD set. (Kinda assuming they won't have an HD TV if they are stealing a 360...)

    I'm pretty sure this is why they haven't been able to play any games on the system. They keep logging into Xbox Live but since they get no video output from the console, they cant even see that there are friend requests, voice chat requests, messages, etc.

    jesus resurrection wallpaper. resurrection jpg the
  • resurrection jpg the

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 12, 02:42 AM

    I've been telling this to people for awhile now...if Microsoft *truly* wants a killer OS, then they're gonna have to do what Apple did a decade ago -

    Leave the cruft, even if it breaks stuff for awhile, get RID of the registry (this was a good idea...coming from DOS, and being used in Windows 95), use a Linux or UNIX kernel as the base OS, and make applications self-contained, like Apple's are.

    It may be copying, but they've copied everything ELSE, why not copy something that *might* have a shot at making the apps easier to install, and viruses harder to get in?

    Besides, the apps were *almost* self-contained back in Windows 3.1 - anyone remember .ini files? If MS had let people keep those, there never would've been much use for a registry to begin with.

    Do you really think MS will ever do that?

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  • duty ascension wallpaper,

  • bartelby
    Nov 14, 03:02 AM
    I forgot one other thing, which is also driving me mad... the foot steps. For some reason, Treyarch decided to take basically all sound of footsteps out of the game. That makes "Ninja" a worthless perk now, as you don't need it to be silent. But, it also makes it much easier to get ridiculously stabbed in the back.

    I've heard that foot steps, along with the spawn issues, are a couple of the main things being fixed in the first patch/update. I really hope so. The fact that they made it into the final release like this is mind-boggling, so a fix is the least they can do.

    Yes, I'm fed up of being stabbed in the back too

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  • wallpaper resurrection

  • suniil
    May 4, 06:48 AM
    Great ad! but giving a sense that frequent upgrade is required

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  • jesus resurrection tomb. out

  • millypede
    Apr 8, 01:19 PM
    I really don't think so It will be a margin building exercise, PC World (or Dixons/Currys/Whatever) did it on the last iPad, they will shrink wrap them up in higher margin products and tell people those are the only bundles they have in stock at the moment. If they are making very little margin and selling lots it will bring down the gross margin for the stores. Its just simple margin building.

    jesus resurrection wallpaper. jesus was a dissident
  • jesus was a dissident

  • fsudaft
    Mar 24, 01:59 AM
    Back when I was about 8, we were jacked. However it was our house and the house next to us. We lost all of our console GAMES, the system still there. The other house lost their console SYSTEM, the games still there. Its nice to know that the world has not changed 10 years later.

    No one said all criminals are smart.

    jesus resurrection wallpaper. jesus was born again
  • jesus was born again

  • Popeye206
    Jan 15, 04:04 PM
    What I loved.... Apple TV update and Time Capsule was a nice surprise!

    What I'm happy about.... the iPhone update! Nice! (but see below)

    What is nice but I can't use... MacBook Air. Cool... expensive, but cool.

    Disappointments... $20 iPod Touch Update? WTF? That one came from nowhere??? 24 hours to watch a movie... Lame! I really think it should be 72 hours at least... then it would ROCK! And back to the iphone update... what about copy and paste? Erasing multiple emails? Please be soon!!!

    Overall... a nice job by Apple... I think it's all a step in the right direction, but as with most Apple things... 1.0 is cool... 2.0 is kick-butt and worth it... speaking of which... time to get an AppleTV. :-)

    jesus resurrection wallpaper. Jesus Christ love resurrection
  • Jesus Christ love resurrection

  • JTR7
    Oct 9, 04:15 PM
    Most Americans do not have what you do. And to the person who said I've never experienced "4 screaming kids," I have.

    I think you both are just use to having more, and space, and more space. My grandmother raised her six children in a three bedroom, one bath home � that she shared with my grandfather � and never had any issues. My grandparents, mother or my aunts never complained, and looking back, I think the experience enriched them tenfold. My grandparents were successful and could have afforded a home with "enough space" (by your standards) for all their kids, but they made out just fine in the first floor of an apartment building with "just" 2,200sq. feet.

    Used to having more? No. I am one of eight kids and my wife is one of ten. We both grew up in modest houses. Mine was 4 bedrooms 2 baths, same as hers. It did not enrich my life. My sister and I never got along because of tight quarters, and after we moved out our relationship remained tense. We finally started getting along just before she died. My house now is 4 bedrooms 2 baths, one of which is converted to an office. My sons and daughters share their rooms. But, given another chance (we bought the house before our first, who would have thought there'd be 3 more) we would have made a home elsewhere. Now that this is home, it's hard to leave.

    Don't presume to know my "standards". We have enough space, but doing it all over I'd choose more. I work hard. I make money accordingly. What's money for if not improving the lives of my family? I don't want a big house for no purpose, I'd just like enough to give my children some personal space so they don't have to collide every day.

    jesus resurrection wallpaper. Jesus Christ love resurrection
  • Jesus Christ love resurrection

  • FleurDuMal
    Oct 3, 01:21 PM
    A confirmation is always nice. :)

    How on earth is this being voted as Negative? Also what's up with the last option in the poll? That depresses me! :(

    I guess there are some pillocks out there who are voting negative on every news item simply because none of them say "MEROM MBPS OUT TOMORROW" :rolleyes:

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  • Wallpaper d, jesus messiah by

  • hob
    Jan 9, 02:04 PM
    :mad: I just refreshed before you said that and I saw that too. Ah, well. We don't know any details so the wait isn't completely lost.
    Still, that's pretty annoying... I'd only uncovered one of those two out of my own stupidity...

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  • jesus resurrection coloring

  • NebulaClash
    May 2, 08:10 AM
    WTF is so great about 'gestures'? There's nothing quite so miserable as barely bumping the fraking trackpad while typing and causing the text cursor to go flying off somewhere else or any other way of accidentally activating some of these gestures (the more you have the more likely you'll accidentally activate them at some point unintentionally). And while Apple trackpads feel better than many out there, nothing beats a mouse for certain operations, IMO. I'd take a mouse any day over a trackpad. Old fashioned? That's like saying a '65 Mustang with a 4-speed on the floor is old fashioned next to a modern Mitsubishi Lancer with paddle shifters. I'll take the Mustang ANY DAY over that.

    Here is why gestures are great and will win out over mouse and keyboard use for almost all uses: they are a direct action and not an indirect action. We are born with an innate sense of using our fingers to manipulate objects. We have to learn the abstraction concept of a mouse and keyboard, items that come between us and our end product (we put up with it because it is effective and productive for certain purposes, but it's a learned behavior and not innate).

    90% of what we use a mouse for can be better done with gestures. Those uses will absolutely dominate over the next decade, leaving mouse usage for specialized applications only. You cannot bet against anything that works with human ability instead of something that creates an extra abstracted metaphor ("see this device? It controls the pointer on the screen. As you move that device, the pointer will move accordingly") for human ability.

    All you have to do is see how someone reacts once they get used to gestures and then face a system that does not support them. They get frustrated that they have to insert an extra layer of manipulation when all they want to do is point directly with their fingers.

    jesus resurrection wallpaper. easter jesus resurrection
  • easter jesus resurrection

  • Small White Car
    May 3, 09:31 PM
    The iPad commercials are so much better than the current iPhone ads it's not even funny.

    I'm not saying the iPhone ads should be just like this, but surely they can do better than what they've got if they have the creative folks who worked on this beauty.

    jesus resurrection wallpaper. Obama: Jesusapos resurrection
  • Obama: Jesusapos resurrection

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 1, 01:46 PM
    Denmark, Norway and Sweden are just about the happiest countries in the world.
    If that is the case, you guys must be *********g miserable.

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  • Resurrection Sunday Clip Art:

  • Clive At Five
    Oct 3, 01:36 PM
    The Intel powered Macs and iLife got the lion's share of the MWSF2006 keynote and iWork only got a few slides showing improvements to Keynote and Pages got so I am hoping iWork (new spreadsheet app and a very improved Pages) gets some good airtime at MWSF2007.

    Right! We've all but forgotten about "Numbers" or whatever they're calling it. "Sheets?" I've forgotten what the latest name is.


    jesus resurrection wallpaper. that Jesus resurrected on
  • that Jesus resurrected on

  • GaresTaylan
    Mar 17, 07:38 PM
    Not bashing android by any means... But my work had deployed me a droid x. I had it for about six months. On average I would say I needed to pull the battery for lock ups every couple days. I had Verizon send me a replacement under warranty and the new one did the same thing.

    There's def pros and cons to each platform. I enjoyed the notification system a lot more on the droid. Since then I've switched to an iPhone 4 at work. I have a personal 3GS and have fallen in love with the cosmetic design of the iPhone 4 and the retina display.

    jesus resurrection wallpaper. Jesus Resurrection Church
  • Jesus Resurrection Church

  • zed
    Apr 16, 11:59 AM
    that's what i wish for....

    Me too. I resisted the 3G and 3GS, would love it if the 4G will be aluminum like my old original iPhone.

    jesus resurrection wallpaper. Jesus Resurrection - The
  • Jesus Resurrection - The

  • twoodcc
    Jul 30, 11:54 PM
    i know! it cant be that hard to write some support for it can it? just support some of the later ones even.

    yeah you would think that. maybe some day

    jesus resurrection wallpaper. la resurrection de jesus
  • la resurrection de jesus

  • GGJstudios
    Apr 21, 11:45 AM
    It is against forum rules to simply reply "+1": what on earth is the difference between that and clicking a button to say "+1"?
    The difference is, clicking the vote button doesn't add a useless post to the thread and doesn't increase the voter's post count (since many have used +1 posts in the past to artificially boost their post counts for avatars, etc.)

    jesus resurrection wallpaper. Jesus Christ love resurrection
  • Jesus Christ love resurrection

  • SavMan
    Oct 11, 09:42 PM
    Jetson, I'm glad I'm taking your word, as someone who doesn't even own a 5G iPod, over my own, someone who sees 50-60 iPods a day. I couldn't possibly know better.

    The fact remains: The acrylic used on the 5G is the same as the 4G.

    Mar 23, 05:55 PM
    This is fascinating!
    Out of curiosity how built up is your area? Is this a neighbour you've spoke too before? I think I'd feel worse if one of my neighbours stole something rather than some thief I never met before. That said they're mostly old folk, Paul Scholes and a pub so I don't expect any of them to steal from me!

    Anyway. I can't wait to hear how this ends. It sounds like it's all going to work out if you can just get the police into that house. Surely you'll be able to prove it's yours there and then by some serial number, hard drive key or something?

    Apr 5, 06:49 PM
    This app will be on the Top 25 list by tomorrow.

    Apr 13, 12:22 PM
    The OP was ambiguous ... I read it that the weapons used on 9/11 were still not banned. As opposed to not banned at the time.

    Hasn't anyone noticed that not a single US plane has been hijacked in the past 10 years? A quick look at Wikipedia shows 7 US planes hijacked in the 1970s, several in the 80s and 90s. Four planes were hijacked in 2001 (all on the same day....) - and then not a single US, European, Japanese plane has been hijacked.

    Something is working.....

    When was the last time a European or Japanese plane were hijacked before 9/11? That's an ambiguous statistic. Nobody was hijacking planes before and nobody's hijacked planes since.

    Nobody hijacks Israeli planes either, and they're subject to much more terrorist attention than we are.

    In fact, TSA has twice failed to stop a bomber on a plane since 9/11. Both the shoe bomber and the underwear bomber were stopped by passengers.

    TSA's measures aren't working, but a measure of common sense can easily mitigate the damage of someone smuggling a boxcutter or knife on to a plane.

    Oct 2, 01:07 AM
    Actually that is not quite accurate as bloggers are not people.

    In any event, people need to lighten up. The self-righteousness exhibited in this forum would be quite amusing if it was not so sad. CES is one massive, pompous, over-wrought technology advertisement, and you are all crying at some schoolboy prank interrupting some guy's presentation.

    And just to re-iterate, bloggers are non-professionals hacks that should never be taken seriously in any professional media circles.

    Its not about being self-righteous this argument from the posters here and from Gizmodo as well is just pathetic. Its about showing some damn respect. I can completely see it being funny once or twice while people were just on the floor playing around with things, but during a presentation? Really? You don't think people are already uneasy as it is giving a big presentation like that? Not to mention how many hours of preparation goes into these kinds of presentations. This is what High School freshmen do to their substitute teachers to make their classmates laugh, but not some grown adults who are supposed to be professional "journalists." The fact that they are defending themselves as being right and whatever nonsense they are spewing is a joke.

    Theres nothing self-righteous about that, just having respect and appreciating that its not easy to get on a stage in front of hundreds of people and try to present something.

    Being a Senior in College, I have to give plenty of presentations in front of large groups of people, and I would be frustrated with somebody lacking any kind of respect during my presentation. Luckily, I go to a college with other mature and respectable ADULTS, so I have yet to see some little fag boys doing this.

    I can see those clowns from Gizmodo right now at CES getting such a hard-on and giggling with their little butt buddies.

    Aug 10, 04:49 PM
    w00t. I'll be buying a 23" real soon at the edu price. I'm excited! I was hoping they'd add built in iSight or the ability to use Front Row with it, but oh well, It'll be sweet to use with my powerbook. I doubt they'd update them soon, seems like they would have just released new ones with the Mac Pro if they were going to do that.