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Thursday, May 19, 2011

indonesia tsunami 2010

indonesia tsunami 2010. tsunami_indonesia
  • tsunami_indonesia

  • Cheerwino
    Apr 13, 02:42 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    Anytime an "analyst" opens their mouth, it should be page 2 material at best.

    Every time an analyst speaks, a fairy dies. :(

    indonesia tsunami 2010. INDONESIA A tsunami hits the
  • INDONESIA A tsunami hits the

  • tristangage
    Apr 8, 10:55 AM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5061/5600875094_bc37aeb398.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/tristangage/5600875094/)
    mysterious tennis ball (http://www.flickr.com/photos/tristangage/5600875094/) by tristangage (http://www.flickr.com/people/tristangage/), on Flickr

    Camera Canon EOS 500D
    Exposure 30
    Aperture f/4.5
    Focal Length 105 mm
    ISO Speed 200

    I sit in my garden late at night and take photographs in the dark. :cool:

    indonesia tsunami 2010. apr Sumatra+tsunami+2010
  • apr Sumatra+tsunami+2010

  • Yvan256
    Jul 28, 01:21 PM
    Unless MS starts wrapping DRM into your ripped collection. There is no advantage to buying an iPod over a Zune. Which is bad for MS because there is already tons millions if iPod users to sway.

    I heard that WMP did add DRM to CDs you ripped yourself. Don't know if it's true, though.

    indonesia tsunami 2010. Indonesia Tsunami 2010:
  • Indonesia Tsunami 2010:

  • j800r
    Apr 26, 12:59 PM
    I can't believe you guys could be such hypocrites!

    You spend over �1,000 on an Apple computer and complain about a pathetic little �20 a year for a cloud service?? Seriously, if you're THAT cheap I'm surprised you're not joining the Win PC fanboys in saying "Macs are overpriced junk". Seriously, you have to buy your OWN storage space so why do you think Apple would give you theirs for free?? They're a business, not a charity.

    If you wanna use the service, pay for it. If you're not interested then don't. But don't start complaining Apple is charging a ridiculously small amount for using THEIR hard drives. It might by called "the cloud" but your data is still stored somewhere, and that somewhere is on Apple's servers. They weren't free for them, so why the hell should they be free for you?

    Oh, also, if you're so cheap why not sell your shiny Macs and use the money to buy yourself TWO Win PCs. That way your precious money goes further.

    (Apologies to the ones who haven't complained for having to put up with my little rant there, but surely you can see why this irritates me. :\)

    indonesia tsunami 2010. Indonesia Tsunami 2010: 2004
  • Indonesia Tsunami 2010: 2004

  • ifjake
    Oct 24, 07:43 AM
    as expected? 2GB RAM as standard configuration for the upper two is a little more than I expected.

    indonesia tsunami 2010. Indonesia tsunami death toll
  • Indonesia tsunami death toll

  • stroked
    Apr 27, 02:11 AM

    And I'm not? Cut the bullying crap, you obviously have some kind of personal issue with any kind of gender-bending.

    It's not your bathroom. You don't own it, you don't have any real say in who gets to use it. Just like you don't own your daughter and don't have the right to beat anyone up on her behalf for any perceived slight. If I ever hypothetically made another woman genuinely uncomfortable in a restroom, chances are I'd remove myself from the situation at least until she had left, that's a concession I'd make to *her*, not you. The discussion came up at my university a while back and the most telling thing was that the only people who took issue with trans people using appropriate loos were men, I wonder why that is.

    Do you really actually think that's why we do it just to perv on women in the restroom? Do you have any idea what we go through to be who we are?

    Why are you scared by us? Why do we make you uneasy in yourself enough that you lash out with lame insults, make threats and refuse to acknowledge this girl's gender? I've got news for you, we walk among you, you don't often see us, but we do and we've been progressively gaining more and more rights. There's no place for attitudes like yours in the world today, as you can see your views are not popular in this thread and it's not because everyone who disagrees with you is trans themselves.

    As long as my daughter is in there, I will have a say who goes in the bathroom. my daughter isn't a woman yet, she is a girl, and I will do whatever it takes to protect her. Like it or not, I think gender bending is wrong, and people like you will not be in the bathroom with her. When she is finished, it is all yours.

    my views may not be popular in this thread, and I expected the regular insults that you libs dish out to people that disagree with you. If your afraid of dissenting opinions, then you need to stay on some of those forums that will always agree with you, and will nurture you, and your life style.

    indonesia tsunami 2010. 2010/08/tsunami-dust-wave.
  • 2010/08/tsunami-dust-wave.

  • trip1ex
    Apr 28, 04:20 PM
    slow news/rumor day

    rather you make up something about the new imacs. ;)

    indonesia tsunami 2010. The tsunami was caused by
  • The tsunami was caused by

  • mcmlxix
    Apr 13, 02:40 PM
    Only slightly off topic�

    Without using iTunes & ATV, does anyone know of a product where you can wirelessly stream the media contents of any shared volume to the TV? I would imagine such a product would need a PC/Mac side client as well as a TV attached gizmo�like iTunes & ATV. I have both anyway, but I was wondering of different options.

    indonesia tsunami 2010. Tsunami Bust (Feb. 2010):
  • Tsunami Bust (Feb. 2010):

  • joepunk
    May 1, 10:15 PM
    Trump probably won't believe it until he sees the death certificate. ;)

    The long form death certificate at that.

    indonesia tsunami 2010. Indonesian Tsunami
  • Indonesian Tsunami

    Jun 6, 10:09 PM
    Sorry, Shaniqwa was the first name I could think of when I thought of 8 kids and irresponsible parenting. My apologies.

    I LOL'd at this. Not that I think you're wrong. Let's not start a racism debate over this, guys.

    indonesia tsunami 2010. Tsunami hits Indonesia!
  • Tsunami hits Indonesia!

  • Object-X
    Nov 3, 12:41 PM
    At least the interface looks like an OS X application. I've always hated Parallels mega cheesy Longhorn icon looking crappy interface.

    The other thing I don't like about Parallels interface is the terrible or non-existant managment of multiple OSs. The VMWare screen shot doesn't show how this is done with that application, but it it is anything the PC version I'm sold.

    I signed up for the beta, let's hope they let me in.

    indonesia tsunami 2010. Indonesia.
  • Indonesia.

  • count chocula
    Jul 24, 05:37 PM
    I dont know what people see in the Mighty Mouse, I tried one out in a local computer shop and found it VERY frustrating to use.
    same here, but i expect they'll make improvements. i'll probably get one if i end up with a proper desk.

    13 days, 17 hours, and 23 minutes until we find out exactly what they've done with this thing.

    indonesia tsunami 2010. Hawaii Tsunami 2010 Video
  • Hawaii Tsunami 2010 Video

  • NoNothing
    Mar 29, 01:48 PM
    So the reason apple charges more is because??? Seems like google is a better deal.

    Not like that matters, if you develop for OSX, iOS or both... Then the sky high price might be worth it.

    It is 5 days and not 2? Apple has more sessions?

    indonesia tsunami 2010. should there be a tsunami,
  • should there be a tsunami,

  • SchneiderMan
    Sep 15, 08:40 PM

    I wouldn't buy Hitatchi, buy hey, it's as you wish...

    No HDD brand is fail proof.

    indonesia tsunami 2010. March 18, 2010 by krissyais10
  • March 18, 2010 by krissyais10

  • peapody
    Jan 26, 02:08 AM
    Post Your Last Purchase XV...WOWEEE! (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1053646) at 57 pages and 2265 posts later, it was time.

    I was waiting for it to hit 100 pages on my end before starting a new thread. :( Oh well.

    Celebrated the completion of a 4 hour residency interview at UCSF with dinner at Wayfare Tavern where my cousin works.

    indonesia tsunami 2010. Three strikes for Indonesia:
  • Three strikes for Indonesia:

  • Hunabku
    Jul 28, 12:01 PM
    Honestly Microsoft will fail, and it's not because they are going to take forever to show anyone anything. Microsoft will fail because it doesn't understand the demographic it is trying to produce a product for. Microsoft may cater to business and such, but in the eyes of teenagers, many of whom are anti-establishment, Microsoft is simply not cool. Not only is Microsoft uncool, it doesn't understand what IS cool.

    True, but as i have send in a previous thread about MS, the people behind their XBox division are actually "cool" and creative and MS is said to be giving them lots of freedom. Let's not wholeheartly disregard our competition here - even though it feels good to do so!

    indonesia tsunami 2010. Indonesia: Tsunami causes
  • Indonesia: Tsunami causes

  • NightFox
    Mar 31, 12:41 PM
    Maybe it is universal - perhaps in Lion every OS application/Finder window toolbar is going to be in pimp-style leather? :o

    indonesia tsunami 2010. Indonesia Tsunami 2010:
  • Indonesia Tsunami 2010:

  • leandroc76
    Mar 8, 04:18 PM
    His character on "Two & A Half Men" is based loosely on his life. He's been this way for the longest time. He's been through enough rehab to know what the alternatives are (the "healthy" lifestyle), and he obviously doesn't want that. He enjoys living as he does, so who can begrudge him that?

    I'd rather have a short, enjoyable and colourful life than a long, boring one. Cheers to Charlie, I say. Damn that guys pulls some nice chicks��

    We need an upvoting system like Reddit. Here's a +1 for you.

    Who the hell are we to judge?

    Who said we have to live til 105 years old?

    I have met crazier "normal" people who weren't even on drugs!

    indonesia tsunami 2010. Tsunami in Indonesia 2010,
  • Tsunami in Indonesia 2010,

  • redAPPLE
    Jul 25, 08:34 AM
    I voted negative on this story. As I was hoping that Apple would concentrate on fixing the sticking scrollbars on the current Mighty Mouses, (or make it easier to open them and clean) before they just made it wireless.

    Also, I'n not a big fan of using batteries in mice. Why not have a wireless mouse that is re-chargable? Or one that you can use wires with if the battery gets low?

    well you could use rechargeable batteries.

    Apr 22, 06:22 PM
    Waiting for LTE. As long as I can still play FIFA on it I am cool with waiting till the iP6. My iPhone 4 is just fine

    Nov 17, 03:42 PM
    Hey Apple - ya think your user base might be interested in Flash??

    The response means that users are interested in viewing videos -- even if those views are encapsulated in a legacy wrapper of Flash. Once content providers have updated their videos, there will be no need for this bridge.

    In case you missed the news, there was yet another zero day bug in Adobe Flash (http://www.grc.com/sn/sn-273.txt). Read that transcript: the bug affects Windows, Mac, Solaris, Linux, and Android (!) devices. Adobe still thinks that quarterly updates of their software are good enough, and the next one isn't scheduled until February of 2011. As Steve Gibson notes in the podcast:

    "[Adobe:] how is that quarterly update cycle going for you?"

    Apple was not willing to bind the safety and performance of their browser to Adobe Flash. Good choice!

    Yeah, you know what's best for us users though - so we should be elated that you are resisting support for it tooth and nail.

    Apple approved the app. They are allowing individuals in the marketplace to decide what's best for them.

    Hopefully, the websites that provide their videos through a legacy Flash wrapper will soon be providing their users with a choice.

    I am elated that iOS Safari has no Flash support. I do not want the CPU suck, the identity suck, the unpredictable behavior, and the exposure to Adobe bugs. If you want those things, feel free to get an Android device.

    Oct 18, 04:31 PM
    1,610,000 Macs and 8,729,000 iPods were shipped this quarter representing a 30 percent growth in Macs and 35 percent growth in iPods over the year-ago quarter.

    As always, the iPod is Apple's real cash cow.

    Too bad for those of us who wish they would divert a little more of their attention to their computer line.

    May 3, 07:47 AM
    Throwing in an SSD drive bumps the ship time to 4-6 weeks!!!! :eek:

    Not cool, Apple. Not cool.

    Dec 1, 02:07 PM
    I for one, welcome our new Adware overloards.